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How to be a Better Frontend Developer

Ezekiel Oladejo
3 min readMay 5, 2018


Hi, been a while. Hope you’ve been busy 😁. I, myself, have been busy as well. But I am here again.

In this little article, I will be sharing with you few thing that I think will make you a better Frontend Developer. Make sure to not get bored and finish reading this at a go. I will keep it as simple as possible.

Frontend Development as you know, is really essential in Software Development. Your backend logic could be the best in the universe, but no one cares about that, at least not your end users. What they care about is what they see, what they can feel, which is, the Frontend part of your work.

You may be thinking: “Frontend isn’t my business, I am a backend developer” but the truth is: It is your business. You have to at least have some eye for good design too. You wouldn’t see a very cute dog and decide to opt for the ugly, weird-looking one, will ya? I bet your answer is no. Let the same thing apply to your works.

Many times, I imagine myself as the end user, that way I am able to check for most things any end user would check when using my software, and so by the time someone else runs a test, I have lesser things to fix.

So, the things you need to consider, briefly, are as follows:

Mobile First Rendering

Your app should have a good display on mobile devices. That shouldn’t make the appearance on desktop devices crappy as well. And make sure to have the same content on both displays.

Use Cool Fonts

Do not settle for crappy fonts. Always make sure to use cool fonts. Use Google Fonts and save yourself some trouble having to download fonts. But it doesn’t hurt to have such fonts on your machine as well. For offline purposes.

Smooth Scrolling

You want to ensure that your users have a fluid, smooth experience while on your platform. While not use SmoothScroll JavaScript library? No need to start writing your own JavaScript.

Work Smart! There’s no need to reinvent the wheels when there’s a tool you can use.

Be Creative — Use Animations

Your app doesn’t have to be like those apps from the stone age 😀. Modern apps should use animations. Check my article on using Wow.js and Animate.css to make stunning animations.

Use Flat Icons & Vector Images

Your website icons should not comprise only Font Awesome icons or Bootstrap Glyphicons, instead, you should employ Flat Icons and Vector Images in your app. You’re gonna have a much more cleaner interface using these than simply relying on font bundles.

Color Harmony

Make sure colors you use in your apps are in total sync. Do not riot colors.


Ah, yes! SweetAlerts! Gone are the days of traditional JavaScript alerts. Use SweetAlert (swal) and have “fancier” alert messages in your apps.

To crown it all, have some design sense. It wouldn’t hurt to know how to design a simple logo (even if not so professional at first), mix colors, basic graphic design skills to boost your frontend.

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Happy Hacking!!!



Ezekiel Oladejo

Software engineer building products that make life easier