New year, new website

Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2017

Where did January go? Although this is traditionally a time of miserable weather, post-Christmas blues and broken promises (mainly to yourself), at Peergrade we’re pretty happy with 2017 so far, and not least because we’ve very recently launched our beautiful new website.

The site is not just really, really ridiculously good-looking. We’re hoping that the new layout will mean that it’s super easy for visitors to find what they’re looking for, whether that’s general information about what Peergrade actually is, or a closer look at some of the academic research that the platform has been built upon. Speaking of which, check out our new Research page, where we are compiling some academic literature about the benefits of peer assessment.

We’re also taking this opportunity to tidy up our blog, which is moving over to a new home at We will keep posting on Medium, but we want to make it as easy as possible for visitors to our blog to find their way to our website and vice versa. So you now have double the opportunity to read our latest blog posts, as well as revisit some of your old favorites.

We also have a new section called Teacher Stories, where we will be posting a series of interviews with teachers who are using Peergrade in their courses, across a variety of academic subjects. If you’re a teacher yourself, this is a good place to find inspiration for how to use the platform in your own teaching.

At Peergrade, we believe in the power of feedback! If you have any comments about our new website, let us know below.

Originally published at




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