What kind of feedback do students get? — A student survey

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3 min readOct 31, 2016

At the start of the school year, Peergrade reached out to students in a survey about their experiences with feedback at university. The motivation behind the study was to get a better sense of what kind of experiences students have with feedback and to offer students a safe space to share their thoughts the study was anonymised.

If you’d like to check out the infographic in full then click here to download the PDF.

What did we find out?

Students do receive some feedback, just NOT the kind that they NEED.

  • A great majority of the students surveyed received only grades, followed by no feedback.
  • Some of the students who have gotten used to this, see grades as a kind of feedback.
  • Thinking of grades as a form of feedback makes students chase higher grades, instead of knowledge

What do students want then?

The results of our studies highlighted two things for the kind of feedback they would like to receive from their teachers:

  • More clear and constructive feedback
  • More personalised feedback

The Takeaway

The amount of feedback given by teachers varies from one type of study to another. Results show that students following applied sciences get little to no feedback compared to students following social sciences or humanities.

There is a need for an improvement in teacher-student communication and that students want clear feedback in a less academic language.

There is no organized system for giving feedback, not even within the same learning institution. The method is implemented by the teacher. This means that the way students receive feedback differs from class to class and it also makes it difficult for the students to keep track of their overall improvement.

If you’d like to check out awesome infographic that we created for the study, then click here to download the PDF.

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