What after the internship?

Aditi Sharma
Published in
4 min readOct 12, 2022

For hiring managers, internships are practical resumes.

You are done with the internship but what next? Before we move forward for the next big thing, yes, you are right — full-time position. Let’s discuss the prerequisite to be ready for the next step.



Take time to reflect on what you have learned and your experiences. Make a document consisting of soft and technical skills you have developed or learned, what responsibilities you took during the internship, and what kind of contributions you made to goals, and the team.

Make a note of how your analytical skills and problem-solving skills got better. Your learning from the internship should be a combination of concrete, domain-specific and soft skills that all managers look for in their team members.

Job Profile

Update your profile and add the skills you have learned. Alter your profile according to the roles you are applying to. Showcasing your work will make your profile stand out.

It is the first thing that any hiring manager sees. Your internship experience shows your commitment to a full-time position.

Actively look for jobs

Research the companies and the roles where you want to work. Reach out to find out if they are hiring. Apply for the jobs but don’t go on a spree — it doesn’t help.

Networking with the right people helps more than applying for 10 jobs in a day. The key is to be active in the market not spamming.

Cater your experience to the job opportunity

Once you get interviews, alter your profiles accordingly. Go back to the document you made while retrospecting. Compare the skills you have mentioned in your document with the skills mentioned in the job profiles.

Make your profile suitable for the job role. Understand how can you fit in at the workplace and present your internship experience in a way that aligns with the job description.

Practice talking about your experience

Practice telling about some specific examples where you helped your team members. Mention your contribution to the work and goals of the organization.

Talk about what and how your skills helped you impress your previous team.

Rock your interview

You are done with the preparation. Now is the time to perform. Cross-check your checklist, ask questions and keep patience.

Try to keep yourself at ease and maintain your confidence. Keep a comfortable smile on your face.

Follow up

Don’t forget to send an email regarding your interview if you don’t get a response. The bonus is to send a thank you email to the interviewer.

Most candidates don’t follow up and lose the opportunity. Avoid doing that mistake.

Now, you are ready for the main event. Let’s discuss it.

Why internship is a door for an FTE?

For hiring managers, internships are practical resumes. When you intern at an organization, it’s more likely that they will offer you an FTE. Why? Because they evaluate during the period of your internship.

They have a lot more data to evaluate during an internship versus when an external candidate only comes in for an interview. That’s why an internship comes with an opportunity with a full-time position.

How to turn an internship into FTE?

This is an important question to ask yourself before you go and apply for internships. The process starts from the day you decide to enter the employment world.

Let’s understand what to keep in mind.

Choose the right internship

Don’t go for the first internship you find. Take your time. The goal is to find the one with the most potential growth and employment. Do your research. Talk to old employees (or interns).

Don’t give in the name of the brand. Small and medium-sized businesses also offer growth and hands-on training that you might not get when you go for a brand. Research again.

Dress for success

Act how you want to get treated. Be professional and treat everyone with respect. Present yourself as you are already a full-time employee of the organization.

Network, Network, and Network

The advantages of networking have no limits. From getting your first break in tech to making a project partner for your most liked product — anything could happen when networking is done in the right way.

Even if you don’t get the job, your network might be able to help you find another opportunity elsewhere.

Asking questions

Asking questions makes you look interested in the role, job, and company. This is what hiring managers look for — your overall interest in the organization. Show them a great intern is naturally inquisitive and wants to learn how to advance their career.

Exceed expectations

You increase your chances of getting hired by the company you’re interning at when you exceed your managers’ expectations. Overdeliver whenever possible.

Take responsibility and accountability for your work. Ask for feedback. Open to change whenever needed. Give your opinions but be a good listener as well. Take initiative and ask for more work if you have the bandwidth.

Become invaluable to management

Be so good at what you do that your manager can’t think of anyone when you are not present. Become exceptionally good at what you do. They should see you as a productive and proficient member.

Your contributions should add value to the company.

Be straightforward

While asking for a full-time job, don’t play safe. Ask for it because you have earned it. Be straightforward and ask them if there is any possibility of getting hired.

Let them know that you are interested in working full-time and be open about it.

