Discussing chats and bots

Chat is the perfect trade off for mortgages

Published in
3 min readJun 2, 2016


Messaging and bots are hot. Conversational commerce is an important trend. Use the tools people are using to tell your story, to answer their questions, to service their needs.

At Peermatch we saw the power of chats and messaging early on. That’s why it’s at the core of our Peer To Peer mortgage lending business.

Edwin / Chief Design Officer / The impact of bots will be huge…

“It’s obvious that bots can perform simple tasks very well and as long as we can design processes that are simple enough, the impact of bots will be huge. In the case of Peermatch it’s easy to understand that a lot of financial questions are always the same, it’s when a customer needs help, or has a specific need, that “real” human interaction is needed. For a Mortgage we will still need a lot of “real humans” today, but with processes and regulations being designed with computer logic in mind that can change quickly.”

Milo / Senior Software Architect / Chat is perfect for mortgages …

“I think the chat is the perfect trade off for mortgages. It is fast: I don’t want to spend too much time on very common questions. It is asychronous, I need sometime to process infos/retrieve docs without losing the thread of the conversation. From here it is easy to see the advantage over the old ways: call the banker, go to the bank, send letters to the bank etc etc.”

Freddie / Chairman / Messaging is great for all parties…

“Can I add that using messaging as a means of conversation is not only great for the borrower, it is also super for the lender: he can reach customers everywhere. He can build relationships.”

Oliver / Product Manager / Messaging is at our inner core…

“What i see is that businesses were late in the world of messaging. We as Peermatch are surfing the green of the messaging wave, because messaging is at our inner core. We have seen it coming and started delivering on it when other businesses were still focusing on themselves and their comfy chair, thereby overlooking this huge opportunity to deliver real convenience and speed to the most important “asset”: the customer.”

Alessandro / Senior Software Architect / Chat mania is more than a hype…

“Hello there, the chat mania going on is more than fluffy hype. It’s a clear trend that started around 2013. It’s not just a big bubble, there is something concrete.”

Oliver / Transitions are difficult…

“We were early, but businesses that are late to the messaging party not only have to transform their sales and service processes, they have to do it in a rush as well. And transitions like these are difficult.”

Freddie / Bringing the fun back in lending!

“The combination of a chat room, data room and file-sharing system makes the Peermatch process much faster and efficient and also much more FUN than the old way of working!”

At Peermatch we believe Mortgage Lending can be done better, smarter and faster for borrowers and investors. We challenge the status-quo and redefine Mortgage Lending by applying technology.
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Chief Design Officer at Peermatch, the Mortgage Lending App.