Important Announcement About the Peer Mountain Token Pre-Order

Peer Mountain
Published in
3 min readFeb 9, 2018


To all our early supporters,

Thank you for sharing our excitement in Peer Mountain and the upcoming pre-order of Peer Mountain Tokens ( PMTN). Like you, we can’t wait to get the Peer Mountain ecosystem up and running! There have been a few minor changes in the structure of the token sale that we would like to highlight. These changes are the result of many conversations with our strongest supporters, and our main focus remains to be fully transparent and in line with the best practices for the community as a whole.

For all official dates and other numerical details regarding the token sale, please refer to the Peer Mountain website’s Token Sale page. Also, please be aware of the following:

  • Priority List Contributors are guaranteed the full bonus of 30% — which will include all contributions over 300 ETH, as well as selected high-value contributors below that threshold. If you have received an invitation to join the Priority List, please add your invitation code to the following field:
  • We will arrange all contributions according to size once the pre-order ends according to the scheduled deadline. We will place the largest contributions in Round 0 in descending order. Once round 0 is filled, we will continue going down the list for Round 1 and so forth.
  • The final volume of Round 0 might change depending on the size of the Priority List. In any case, this will only benefit early contributors.
  • We will release all pre-order tokens as soon as all proper KYC has been completed, but the tokens will remain locked until after the closing of the public sale.

After careful consideration, which included valuable insights from our early supporters, the public sale will commence approximately 8 to 10 weeks after we have closed off the pre-order.

  • This timing will allow us to focus on several targets, including:

-Work with our legal advisors to get regulatory clarity for Peer Mountain in the US

-Build a larger community around Peer Mountain and establish additional partnerships

-Close the gap between the public sale and the initial deployment of the Peer Mountain application — to allow you to start using your PMTN sooner

  • The public sale will take place in the round in which the pre-order closed. For instance, if the pre-order closes in Round 3, the public sale will commence in Round 3.
  • If necessary, we will compensate pre-order contributors with increased bonuses in a fair and transparent fashion in the event of a major shift in ETH that disadvantages their contributions.

Thank you once again for your support of Peer Mountain. These improvements give us additional flexibility in the structure of the Token Sale, allowing us to make final adjustments based on the number of early contributors. We want to highlight once again that we are committed to running a transparent and community-focused sale for all those interested in future access and use of the Peer Mountain ecosystem, and will continue to consider all of your feedback as we move forward.


The Peer Mountain Team



Peer Mountain

Own Yourself. The decentralized P2P Trust and Compliance Platform.