Peer Mountain signs Letter of Intent with Affidaty for development of attestation engine

Peer Mountain
Published in
2 min readFeb 9, 2018

Peer Mountain, providers of the only decentralized ecosystem of trust and identity ownership, has signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) with Italian corporate information verification provider Affidaty. Based on this LOI, Affidaty will develop a Peer Mountain attestation engine, which will enable Peer Mountain ecosystem members to provide and receive secure, private validation of identification data during commercial and non-commercial transactions.

In the Peer Mountain marketplace, individuals and organizations alike will be able to use Affidaty’s attestation engine to confirm the authenticity of all types of identifying data about European and worldwide companies, including:

  • Official ID documents such as your passport, drivers license, and social security number
  • Certificates from globally recognized authorities
  • Personal attestations about your trustworthiness, expertise, and interests

In addition to providing the Peer Mountain community with their attestation engine, Affidaty will also work with other businesses in the Peer Mountain marketplace.



Peer Mountain

Own Yourself. The decentralized P2P Trust and Compliance Platform.