#61 Cosmos, Plastic and Koalas

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2 min readJul 5, 2018

Discover 3 science news from the latest 24 hours in our #PeerusWhatsNew, now on Medium.

1 A flash 10 to 100 times brighter than a supernova was observed on June 16 in the cosmos.

Reported immediately to The Astronomer’s Telegram, the news then spread around the world and several observatories pointed their telescopes on it. Researchers had never seen anything like it before.

For the moment, scientists have not yet precise ideas of what is behind the phenomenon: it could be a new type of cosmic explosion.

2 Europe and the United States could be flooded with plastic waste, following China’s ban on the import of recyclable plastic.

111 million tons of plastic may have to be managed by Western countries by 2030.

If they do not develop a real recycling stream at home, the major risk is to overwhelm other poor countries.

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3 Researchers discovered that the genome of koalas could save them from extinction.

The endemic species of Australia is currently in great danger, decimated by a sexually transmitted disease, chlamydia.

A group of about 50 researchers have identified genes related to the immune system and hope that this will ultimately develop vaccines to save the species. There is indeed no treatment to overcome the infection. Antibiotics that could cure them could also kill their intestinal flora.

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