#8 Global warming, big data and life on Mars

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2 min readFeb 28, 2018

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1 As Europe shivers under a cold snap, the North Pole has experienced a heat spike with temperatures 30 degrees above seasonal norms, an exceptional phenomenon due to the warming of the Arctic.

Scientists estimated that it was about zero degrees Celsius at the North Pole, according to estimates obtained by modeling, because no weather station is established in this area.

Sunday, in the extreme north of Greenland, the temperature was 6.2 ° C. It is exceptional value, about 35 °C above the normal of season.

2 Chinese authorities have started using an algorithm to make preventive arrests. This system allows you to analyze global individual data obtained from images shot by CCTV cameras, ID card checks or WiFi connections from phones or computers.

According to HRW’s report, this exploitation of big data, often unbeknownst to those under surveillance, has already led to arrests and placement in extrajudicial political re-education centers.

No comments were obtained from the Xinjiang Government or the Chinese Ministry of Public Security on this program.

3 It only rains once a decade, if not less, in the Atacama Desert, but tiny bacteria and microorganisms still managed to survive, suggesting the possibility of discovering similar life forms on Mars.

Extended between Chile and Peru, Atacama is the world’s driest non-polar desert and arguably the closest to the conditions on the red planet, according to their work published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

When it started to rain, scientists detected an explosion of biological activity in the earth, which could help scientists search for signs of life on Mars.



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