A liquid water lake discovered for the first time on Mars

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2 min readJul 27, 2018

Definitely, all eyes are on Mars right now!

While its distance from the Earth will be the smallest for 15 years in a few days, scientists have just identified for the first time the presence of water on the Red Planet.

All indications are that there is a lake of liquid water about 20 kilometers long under the surface of Mars, near the South Pole. After years of investigation and ground surveys with the radar of the European probe Mars Express, researchers are now convinced that there is water on the planet.

This exciting discovery is a culmination for global science and will contribute to our understanding of the evolution of Mars, the history of water on our neighboring planet and its livability,” said Dmitry Titov, who works for the Mars Express mission.

Before a major climate change that gradually cooled and dried up the planet, Mars was covered with lakes, rivers and seas. So, obviously, the first question that comes to mind is: can there be life on Mars? A terrestrial life would not resist in this lake but other life forms could exist there.

In every instance, water on Mars is there, hidden somewhere, which can be interesting for future human missions.

Find out more on Science.



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