Mars comes closest to Earth in 15 years

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1 min readJul 23, 2018

For the first time since 15 years, the bright red dot you can see above the southeastern horizon in the late evening is Mars. It is rare to see this planet so sparkling in the night.

And it’s not over: its brightness will increase until the end of July, when the distance between the Red Planet and the Earth will be the smallest.

But, why is Mars shining so much this year?

July 27 will be the day of its opposition. In other words, the Red Planet will be aligned with the Earth and the Sun. But the day its distance will be the smallest with Earth is scheduled for July 31.

Why? Because of the eccentricity of the orbit of Mars, it will be closer to the Earth a few days later. On this day, the space between Mars and Earth will be only 57.6 million kilometers.

So, if you want to observe the Red Planet, this is your time. Almost during all summer, the star will color the night with its intense orange-red glow.



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