Benefits of cloud-based automated browser testing

PeerXP Team
PeerXP Technologies
3 min readMay 28, 2019

The boom of cloud computing is creating a massive impact on the IT sector in all terms. Usually, there are a number of tests that are performed on a cloud network such as cloud-based browser testing, functional testing, non-functional testing, and much more. Earlier testing used to be done on the on-premise environment, but with the cloud, testing is now more accessible and faster. Cloud-based testing is creating new opportunities, technologies, and easy access.

But many people are still in a dilemma about the benefits of using cloud-based browser testing. In this article, we will clear all your doubts regarding cloud-based testing.

Nowadays web apps should support various browsers, therefore there is a requirement of testing the applications on various browsers. The importance of cloud-based browser testing and its benefits are much vast than the challenges that the cloud has.

What is cloud-based browser testing?

Cloud-based Testing of applications is a feasible & viable solution for enterprises. For applications, it offers Web-based access to a large pool of real devices connected to live networks spread globally. It provides enterprises with end-to-end control for manual and automated testing practices.

By now, most enterprises have used or at least have heard about cloud computing. However, with the advancement of technology and the rapid increase in the number of users, the need for Cloud computing is increasing considerably. Before adopting this new technology for your own business needs, it is important to understand the benefits of Cloud-based Testing for your applications.

Benefits of cloud-based browser testing

1. Easily Scalable

It is quite true that the applications need a different level of testing practice at various points in their development life cycle. Automating the testing tasks is preferred more than deploying more testers to share the burden. Many cloud-based tools are available for achieving functional testing, performance testing and many other types of testing. Cloud-based testing can be used to completely manage testing jobs. Since it is cloud-based therefore it is easy to install, configure and maintain. In simple words, cloud-based testing will allow computing resources to increase or decrease whenever required. It can be used as a comprehensive test management tool.

2. Browsers Versions and Different Browsers

There are many different browsers like Chrome, Opera, Safari, FireFox but each of them has their different versions too. It is really very important to test applications on different browser and their versions. Doing the testing manually is very cumbersome but by using cloud-based browser testing services, different versions of browsers can be tested using the cloud tools.

Click below to dive deeper into the benefits of cloud-based automated browser testing…



PeerXP Team
PeerXP Technologies

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