Introduction to PEGO Network

PEGO Network
PEGO Network
Published in
1 min readApr 25, 2022

PEGO Network

The governance token for PEGO Network is PG, which is currently issued as a cross-chain token on Binance Smart Chain (BSC). When the PEGO Network main network is launched, PG will be mapped to the main network.

Time to trade: 8 Feb 2023(Expected in 9 months)

Initial circulation: 100,000,000

Token Symbol: PG

  1. FIST/OSK-DAO liquidity mining
  • Token Allocation 13,000,000 PG tokens
  • Launch time: Expected on 8 May 2022,10:22(UTC+8)
  • Mining Period: 9 months

2.PEGO NFT pledge mining

  • Token Allocation: 9,000,000 PG tokens
  • Launch Time: Expected on July 2022
  • Mining Period: 9 months

3.FIST/USDT liquidity mining

  • Token allocation: 6,000,000 PG tokens
  • Launch time: Expected on June 2022
  • Launch condition: FIST/OSK-DAO liquidity reaches USD 200 million or FIST/OSK-DAO flow pool exceeds 900,000
  • Mining period: 9 months

4. Ecological incentive

  • Token allocation: 2,000,000 PG tokens
  • Launch time: Immediate
  • Period: 9 months

5. Node mining

  • Token allocation: 70,000,000 PG tokens
  • Launch time: When the Mainnet is online
  • Period: 7 years

When the total output reaches 100,000,000, the DAO proposal system will automatically begin and adjust the block reward in real-time based on proposals.

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PEGO Network
PEGO Network

PEGO is a Web3 infrastructure that provides high autonomy, scalability, and sustainability for decentralized applications.