How To Save When Struggling Financially

Pei Blog
Published in
4 min readJan 4, 2018

How to budget and save when struggling financially?

When overloaded with debt and unexpected expenses, it's extremely difficult to save for the future. We have been there.

Luckily, through budgeting, you can manage income and expenses in a very efficient way. Ideally, expenses should not exceed your earnings, as it will lead to financial stress in the short as well as long-term. You should have a cushion so that you can pass through the difficult financial conditions without any issues. In order to have sufficient money to pay your utility bills, credit card loan, vehicle loan, student loan, etc, we suggest reviewing previous payments and understanding critical expenses versus those you can reduce. Breaking the expenses up in categories, gives a great overview on how your money is being used and where to optimize. This is essentially even when scraping by. It’s easy to go buy the new gadget when you don’t really have something in front of you saying otherwise. Budgeting keeps you from spending money you shouldn’t and allows you to actually see your finances.

Tricks that can really get you? Financing. Almost everything can be financed now and it’s easy to get on a payment plan to pay $20/month for that new smartphone. Realistically, you’ll be overpaying by a lot and are better off paying outright or not getting it until you can afford it.

As /u/431026 on reddit has said:

“ A great way to save on expenses, aside from the obvious reduction of expenses, is to utilize coupons and cashback offers. If comfortable using credit cards and you are able to manage the pay off at the end of the month, make sure to use credit cards that provide cashback and other expense reduction offers. You can always use these offers at the end of the month to help pay off the debt.”

If you never have had a credit card or loan, you likely do not have a credit score, which will make it hard to get anything that requires credit. Once you understand your budget, have stable employment, and are sure you will always pay your bills on time, you should get a small starter card to establish credit. Make sure to not look at a credit card as easy money and never, ever, ever make a late payment. Just one payment that’s one-day late will negatively affect your credit for years and years.

Automated tools

By using versatile apps, personal financial management can be done very easily while automatically earning cashback and saving. Through the categorized budgeting, you will always earn insight on your spending. You will not spend for unnecessary items.

Most times, expenses can vary from one location to another. If you live in larger cities, your earnings should be in proportion to your expenses. But a key shift in people’s preferences has shown them moving to lower cost locations while large cities take a higher level of financial awareness to help save.

There will be highs and lows in pay scale. Through budgeting, you will be able to allocate the right amount of money for savings.

Saving tax

If your earnings attract heavy tax, you should go for investment into housing and other ventures, which are subsidized by government. If you go for solar power, you can earn incentives from the government. Its even best to try and max 401K payments to set aside savings for retirement. Always take advantage of 401K’s that match your payment’s from your employer, that’s always a way to leave money on the table if you are not taking the opportunity.

The amount that you spend on house construction will help you save taxes. The interest paid on home loan will be exempted from income tax. Hence, the tax burden can be reduced.

If you have overpaid on taxes, the money will be returned in due course of time. Financial planning can also consider reimbursements that are expected.

It is possible to face your future in a bold way if you can implement the best financial management measures now.

