Linked Pasts V — Back to the (re)sources

Published in
2 min readNov 4, 2019
Le Testu, Cosmographie universelle, selon les navigateurs tant anciens que modernes, Guillaume Le Testu, pillotte en la mer du Ponent, de la ville francoyse de Grâce, 1555, MSS. Bibliothèque nationale de France

Linked Pasts V will be held at the University Bordeaux Montaigne from 11 to 13 December 2019. Registration information and more details on travel and programme can be found here

The annual Linked Pasts symposium is dedicated to facilitating practical and pragmatic developments in Linked Open Data in History, Classics, Geography, and Archaeology. Initially incubated by the Pelagios Network, since 2014 it has brought together leading exponents of Linked Data from academia, and the Cultural Heritage sector as well as providers of infrastructures and library services, to address the obstacles to, and issues raised by, developing a digital ecosystem of projects dedicated to interlinking online resources about the past.

Funded by project PATRIMONIVM, this year’s symposium aims to centre on the questions of sources, understood here both in terms of ancient/‘historical’ sources, and in terms of data (re)source used in digital, LOD-related projects. One target identified for this year is the consolidation of data models related to place, people, and historical sources, especially on how to model relationships between instances from these three classes.

A secondary aim is to discuss infrastructures and LOD implementation. This key question will be addressed through a keynote by Gautier Poupeau (Institut national de l’Audiovisuel [INA], France), and a round-table gathering actors from national and supra-national infrastructures (Archaeology Data Service, DARIAH, and Huma-Num).

