My August.

Sam Brown
Published in
1 min readSep 10, 2018
29 and feeling fine!

August was a hard one, but we accomplished a hell of a lot. This recap is pretty brief…I’m not being lazy I just haven't made it a priority this month.

Here’s what went down in August…

I got a lot of work done (and procrastinated a lot)

I hit some blockers (but overcame most of them)

I grew our team (We’re now 3 strong on the tech front)

I turned 29 (The team bought me a cake)

I got told I “looked tired” more times than I’d like (I didn’t sleep as much as I’d like either)

I realised life is getting quite exciting (We’re launching crowdfunding and our app very soon)

I managed to save some money for my New York trip (likely due to working lots and not going out as much)

I didn’t make time to write this blog properly (next month I will)

That’s it!


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Sam Brown
Editor for

28 - Founder & CEO of Pelikin - A travel banking app & prepaid debit card you can use around the world for free.