A Story Of You

A Tale about a Girl and her Miracle…

Olivia’s Diaries
Pen & Paper Reflections
3 min readJan 17, 2024


Image created by author using Midjourney AI

The Girl

Once upon a time, there was a Girl...

She didn’t know where she belonged, or how to navigate life...

She could love but her love was never returned...

So she thought she could never be loved again…

She couldn’t even look herself in the mirror…

She always felt not good enough...

For anyone, even for herself...

She had a light inside her.. but it was fading...

She had love… but no one to receive it...

She had a smile… but she was not happy...

She was broken.. or so she felt...

The Letter

One Christmas Eve she went into a shop.. it was beautifully decorated…

Lights were everywhere.. a hint of a smile appeared on her face...

And there, in front of her, a chocolate with a nice drawing of Santa…

A Santa who seemed to promise a Miracle she had long-awaited...

She remembered how she loved to write letters to Santa…

She remembered how she once believed in Christmas Miracles...

Was it too late to write him a Letter? Would he receive it...

But she wrote him either way... Maybe she should believe it...

Maybe a miracle would be on the way for her as well.. who knew...

She only needed to believe again.. even a bit...

And she did…

The Miracle

Almost two weeks after New Year's Day, the girl met a boy…

The boy was kind.. he was nice to her...

He was genuinely interested in her from the very first second they met...

How is it possible that someone would pay such attention to her?

She was broken.. he didn’t see?

She opened herself to him… and he didn’t leave.. he stayed…

He was the Miracle

But what if he vanished as suddenly as he appeared?..

What if he wasn’t real? What if he was just a dream?

Her dream?…

The Light

He never left… he stayed there…

He showed her the way… and she followed…

She trusted him.. with her life...

She felt him so familiar… He felt it too...

She had a long way to being whole again… but he was there...

He never left her hand…He held her tight...

He gave her his Truth...

And he gave her Light…his Light...

But above all…

He gave her Love…

His Love…

And there.. with his Love...

She was born again…

For you, who showed me what true love feels like... for you who touched my soul, my whole being... who made me believe in miracles... for you, who, no matter the physical distance, have been the closest to my heart than anyone ever was... for you, who, no matter our intense difficulties, there is nothing in this lifetime or any other that could ever make me go away... I’m eternally grateful to you… for you... for my Miracle...

I love you in the here, in the now, and in the ever after...



Olivia’s Diaries
Pen & Paper Reflections

Just a mood-based creative human being. ------- Editor for Short.Sweet.Valuable & Long. Sweet. Valuable Publications