Excerpts from, when I used to write| “Did That?”

Shikha Rajshree Visen
Pen | Bold Kiln Press
2 min readApr 27, 2018


There must have been a forecast by yourself of yourself when you were 10, 15 or 17 — ‘this is how my life would be’, ‘that is the place where I would be living’, ‘this is what I would be doing’ etc etc.
Did any of such predictions come true?

Maybe one or two, at the most but all of them?

Don’t worry, it’s not only you but the entire universe has the same answer to give.

Being 22, a thought struck me in the shower that the jokes about marriage are getting more and more serious and my belly ‘bellier’. I’m no more at the age of ignoring my adulthood. No one has said in a long long time “Don’t worry, you are just a kid things will figure out eventually.”

Because the “eventually” is now here and in full glory.

But the figuring out part is missing.

I’m not fit, still don’t have a hobby, haven’t been to my ideal vacation, neither earning nor in my ideal college. Does that mean I’m not doing it right or have I jumped on the bandwagon and everyone is on it?

Or maybe some superior beings have it all sorted just according to their plan. But studies and my experience have other stories to tell. These superior beings don’t exist. What exists are people faking that they got exactly what they wanted.

As we grow up our thinking, our choices, our priorities and our way of looking at the world changes, owing to our experiences in the real world.

So what we should understand is that now is the time to begin it again. To dream our own “American dream” and make it come true. But this time we cannot let time take a toll because as Andrew Marvell said “time’s winged chariot is hurrying near.” And as I quote it “the ‘eventually’ is now here.”

