The Startup Weekly: #20

Bold Kiln | OperatorVC
Pen | Bold Kiln Press
3 min readJun 16, 2017

Handpicked articles for everyone who is part of a startup, to help you learn and grow.

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100+ Growth Hacks

An extremely useful Slideshare from Casey Armstrong. It catalogues over 100 highly impactful growth hacks that you can start using in your business immediately. Check it out, and start hacking!

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What drives the best click-to-install conversion

A fantastic piece backed with analysis on a large data set (12 million app links) of what drives click to install conversion. Will definitely help you in your user acquisition strategy and planning spends across various channels.

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Minimum Viable Investor Updates

Along with raising funds from investors come investor updates. This to the point, brief read helps figure out the most important details to include in your investor updates. Read on to get on the road to making legendary updates and getting the best from your investors.

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Bad Notes on Venture Capital

Increasingly, in India, founders and investors are using convertible debt as an investment instrument. This piece by Mark Suster outlines why this isn’t quite an ideal instrument, and makes some valid points cautioning against using it.

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How to Know if You Have ADD and What to Do About It

As someone who possibly has ADD myself, I think this might be an interesting read for a lot of entrepreneurs and something you might relate to. Do you? I’d love to hear from you if so. — Abhishek

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Avoiding Burnout

It’s a no brainer that people building startups work very hard — often to extreme levels. What is wrongly assumed is that this hard work directly leads to burnout. Burnout is a slightly different beast, and can definitely be addressed — read on to understand and fight it better.

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What Makes You You?

We’re planning to start including one fun, interesting read every week — that doesn’t necessarily revolve around the startup life. :) Tell us if you like this idea? For this week — a piece that explore what really makes up our identity. Likely to stay with you, this one.

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Buzzfeed’s Secret to Success on Social Media

As much as we hate on Buzzfeed — the darn thing works. This read helps figure out the how and why — and more importantly, what can one takeaway for your own brand. A good content strategy is an obvious play — but what that entails is often not very clear. This is sure to help.

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Bold Kiln | OperatorVC
Pen | Bold Kiln Press

One stop shop solution provider for startups. We help with Information, Services and Products. We also invest in startups via our partner angel fund OperatorVC.