The Startup Weekly: #39

Bold Kiln | OperatorVC
Pen | Bold Kiln Press
2 min readMay 23, 2017

For everyone who is part of a startup or working to build one, Startup Weekly is the place for you. We provide you with insightful articles that will help you find solutions to your problems and also help you grow.

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Collection of pitch decks from venture capital funded startups

You need to raise some money for your awesome startup, but you need a pesky pitch deck to show venture capitalists? Here are 40+ successful pitch decks to learn from!

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Comprehensive guide to set up Google Analytics

If you haven’t set up Google Analytics for your website / app yet, then you should. This very weekend. And here’s a guide to help you.

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Why investors don’t fund dating

Interesting insights on why funders don’t like dating apps. User churn is too high (especially if you do your job well!).

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Asset Management Is A Bizarre Industry Ripe For Disruption

One way to start a new business is to take an industry of your choice, and identify disruptable patterns. This article does this for the asset management industry — an instructive read.

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How the best products lose

Why building an excellent product is not enough to succeed. If you neglect distribution and other factors, even the best product can fail.

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Reflecting on ways to bootstrap a startup

If you are a first time startup founder, you are likely to struggle to find investment for your startup idea. Here are a few ways to bootstrap for the initial months.

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Why People Make The Crazy Choice To Go From Megacorp To Startup

Why would anyone go from the stability and security of a giant company into the craziness of a startup? Stories from six people who transitioned out of big companies and into startups.

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Eleven Compelling Startup Pitch Archetypes (with examples from YC companies

After last week’s article with 40+ successful startup pitches, here’s another incredibly useful resource. A YCombinator alum shares 11 archetypes that you can use for your investor pitch.

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Bold Kiln | OperatorVC
Pen | Bold Kiln Press

One stop shop solution provider for startups. We help with Information, Services and Products. We also invest in startups via our partner angel fund OperatorVC.