We’re Launching an Expert Panel

Take out a minute, this is important we promise

Aashna Kaur
Pen | Bold Kiln Press
3 min readAug 17, 2017


This is about two sets of people in the startup ecosystem:

The Givers
We have people in the ecosystem who know their stuff and want to help. They however usually have limited bandwidth, and are often faced with a lot of noise. They want to help founders who have a genuine problem, and are willing to take advice seriously, act on it, close the loop with feedback and thoughts. And most importantly founders who value the effort and time being put in by whomsoever helping them out.

The Seekers
People who’re building companies, are happy to get un-sugarcoated feedback, and would rather a spade be called a spade. Who (as we all do) get stuck with minor problems that are major bottlenecks for them, seek experts who can come in, advice, guide, answer and help them move forward.

Both sets of people are no-bullshit, and value time highly.

This initiative of ours is an attempt to connect these two sets of people in a way that ensures a win-win.

How this works…

  • We have a curated panel of experts, not necessarily exhaustive on topics; but each who are stunning in their field of work, know their stuff and give straight up, no bullshit advice and answers.
  • You can request for a slot with whoever you want to speak to; there is a filter and a double opt-in to the process — so if the expert is agreeable, we’ll help schedule a conversation.
  • These are going to be paid sessions; not because this is a revenue stream for the experts — but to be able to add a filter on; and because they’d like a value accorded to their time, even if nominal.
  • We take a part of the fees an expert charges — as it’ll take effort on our side to run this.
  • Each session is ballpark for an hour over Skype, phone call, email or in person, depending on mutual preferences & feasibility.

Modus Operandi

Founders who want to speak with one of the experts: reach out to us on experts@boldkiln.com mentioning the expert you want to connect to. Ideally also send across some context, and a list of concrete questions (this helps both parties save on time).

Experts who’d like to offer advice: we’re not aggressively adding to the panel right now, but will be in due course.

Retweet and share to let your network know of this as well.
We’ll be updating this post with details of each expert, and more information in due course — you can also follow the updates on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

We’re hoping to make it easier and simpler to get effective, actionable advice. Our mission is and always will be to help people build businesses. Just one of the steps we are taking in that direction.

And we’d love your feedback. Tell us what you think will make this better! We at Bold Kiln are excited.
Are you? Give us a clap or half a dozen, why don’t you. 😁


