Why your grandfather was much ready to build a successful business than you!

Bold Kiln | OperatorVC
Pen | Bold Kiln Press
3 min readJun 26, 2014

So I was at a conference doing QnA on how to do social & win when a student entrepreneur asked me
“Thanks Veer for all what you said, I wanted to ask you that, My family business, we sell homemade Sweets, and my grandfather made it what it is today. & Since my father died very early, the responsibility of the business is in my hand, I want to know, how he grew this business without all these social media tools and how should I do it?”

So, in short, his question was “How my Grandfather grew his business without these social tools, & how should I do it too?”

Now this question is very amazing & it is valid for all those businesses that were built during the ages where there was not the technology of social networks. & I really from the core of my heart believe that our forefathers were more prepared to run and succeed in a business that we are.

People above 40 must remember, when you walked into the local sweet store, the owner Bill would just start packing the your favorite sweet without you even saying it, & when you enter he will ask you about your son charlie’s soccer game, and you on other hand are happy about that fact as he has shown some care about you.

That’s what made that local sweet shop owner’s business a success. If you noticed, he valued interaction. He knew his customers’ story, he was ready to spend time generally talking to his customer, to know more about their story, as it helped him build a better bond with that person. He used those personal connections to make sales and make people smile.

Now consider yourself in today’s generation, what you are doing today on social networks is just spamming your followers to spread the word about your services or products. But the beauty of such social networks is that the end consumer is also a human, and every human values interaction. So first try and build a better interaction with them; Consider this, you know someone for many years, then you can ask for any favor from them right? Whereas if you met someone just yesterday at a cocktail party, you cannot ask him for the same thing.

Facebook, twitter, Instagram, this all is a big online cocktail party and if you don’t know how to dress up in front of people as a brand or business, no one will even care if you exist. That’s why I always say, that your grandparents were more prepared to succeed, as they knew that the relationships they build is for the lifetime and it will last and eventually build a loyal customer base. That’s what you gotta do to your businesses on the internet.
Treat these platforms like humans, know them, interact with them, build trust & eventually relationships with them & grow your business.

Also, so as to answer the question that Dude asked about his business, the solution I think for him is “Food Porn”, people today are so hot on Instagram right now that even google joined it & if you can create a great community of food lovers around the delicious recipes and images of your homemade sweets, you will grow your business.

Though there are lot many things to be done, like putting up your businesses on all the platform like Facebook, twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Quora, SnapChat etc. Use Google ads to retarget all those who are interacting with your brand on the internet, create offer coupons, a lot of other stuff, but bottom line, nothing of this can convert unless you interact with people.
Note: Businesses of all size and customer base can grow amazingly, given they know the proper tools to use while building interactions for the brand.

We are Launching SellMouse pretty soon, which is a tool meant for Businesses to Market, Sell, Engage with people on Social media over the products and services they offer. Signup here for free early access or email veer@SellMouse.com to know more :)



Bold Kiln | OperatorVC
Pen | Bold Kiln Press

One stop shop solution provider for startups. We help with Information, Services and Products. We also invest in startups via our partner angel fund OperatorVC.