3 Facts About Medium Most Writers Learn Too Late

Writing Tips
Pen & Pixel
Published in
3 min readJun 7, 2023
Image from https://www.gazette-geneve.ch/

Fact 1: The Medium Partner Program is a marathon, not a sprint

Medium is a platform that allows writers to share their work and get paid through the Medium Partner Program (MPP). When most writers join the platform, they’re filled with excitement, hope, and dreams of making it big. But many learn the hard way that success on Medium doesn’t come overnight. It takes time, persistence, and a lot of trial and error.

For example, let’s look at the story of our fictional friend, John Writerpants. John joined Medium with high hopes after hearing his coworker brag about making a few hundred dollars a month on the platform. He cranked out 5 articles in his first week, expecting to see the big bucks start rolling in. Instead, he was greeted with minimal views, and his earnings barely covered the cost of a fancy cup of coffee.

The reality is, Medium’s algorithm favors consistency and engagement. A study by Medium stats guru showed that writers who consistently post quality content over time tend to earn more. In other words, it’s a marathon, not a sprint. So, strap on your writing shoes, hydrate, and get ready to put in the miles.

Fact 2: Curation is a mysterious beast that can make or break your article

Curation on Medium is like the Holy Grail for writers. When your article is curated, it’s shared with a larger audience, and that can lead to more views, claps, and earnings. But, oh, the ever-elusive curation. It’s a bit like trying to catch a unicorn while blindfolded and riding a unicycle.

Medium doesn’t provide a concrete set of rules for curation. They do offer some guidelines, but they’re vague and subject to the whims of human curators. It’s not uncommon for writers to feel like they’ve cracked the curation code only to have their next article — which they think is a masterpiece — fall flat.

To illustrate, let’s return to John Writerpants. After his initial disappointment, he decided to study successful Medium writers and mimic their style. He wrote an article titled “10 Life Lessons I Learned from My Cat,” which he thought was a surefire hit. But it was met with the same lukewarm reception as his previous pieces.

The lesson here is that curation is unpredictable, and it’s essential to focus on writing high-quality content rather than chasing the curation dragon. And if that unicorn does grace you with its presence, rejoice and keep writing.

Fact 3: Your niche matters, but so does experimenting

When you join Medium, you’re often advised to find your niche — that sweet spot where your passion and expertise meet. Having a niche can help you build an audience, as your readers know what to expect from you. But sticking to your niche can also be limiting and prevent you from exploring new topics and expanding your horizons.

Let’s check in with John Writer ants one more time. After some reflection, he realized he had been playing it safe by writing about his favorite hobby — knitting. He decided to step out of his comfort zone and write about a topic he was less familiar with — cryptocurrency. Surprisingly, that article performed better than any of his knitting pieces, and it even got curated.

So, while finding your niche is essential, don’t be afraid to experiment and diversify your content. You never know when you might stumble upon a new passion or unlock a hidden talent.

In conclusion

Medium is a fantastic platform for writers, but it’s essential to be aware of these three facts most writers learn too late:

  1. The Medium Partner Program is a marathon, not a sprint.
  2. Curation is a mysterious beast that can make or break your article.
  3. Your niche matters, but so does experimenting.

If you’re a writer on Medium or considering joining the platform, keep these lessons in mind, and you’ll be better prepared for the wild ride that is Medium. And remember the tale of John Writerpants — with persistence, adaptability, and a willingness to learn, you too can find success on Medium. Now go forth and write, you magnificent wordsmith, you!



Writing Tips
Pen & Pixel

Hey there! I'm here to share my personal experiences on Medium and offer some help on how to succeed and flourish on this platform-Let's grow together!