How to Earn on Medium: A Comprehensive Guide

Writing Tips
Pen & Pixel
Published in
4 min readMay 31, 2023
Photo by Daniil Silantev on Unsplash

Earning a consistent income on Medium can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. If you’re interested in making $1,000 per month as a writer you’ve come to the right place. In this detailed guide we’ll dive into the nuts and bolts of earning a sustainable income on Medium covering everything from starting out to optimizing earnings and beyond. We’ll also provide examples, tips and tricks to make your content engaging and enjoyable for readers.

Understanding Medium’s Partner Program

Medium’s Partner Program is the key to unlocking earnings on the platform. When you join the program you’ll be eligible to earn money based on how much time Medium members spend reading your content. The more engaging and high quality your articles are the more you’ll earn.

  • To join the Partner Program you must meet the following requirements:
  • Have a Medium account
  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Reside in a country where Stripe, Medium’s payment processor is available
  • Adhere to Medium’s content guidelines and rules

Starting Your Medium Journey

Once you’re eligible for the Partner Program it’s time to start your Medium journey. Here are some steps to help you get started:

1- Complete your profile: Upload a high quality profile picture write a compelling bio and link to your social media accounts or personal website. A complete and professional profile helps build credibility and trust with your audience.

2- Choose your niche: Select a topic or industry that you’re passionate and knowledgeable about. Focusing on a specific niche will help you build authority and attract a dedicated audience.

3- Research your target audience: Understand the needs, interests and pain points of the people you want to reach. This will help you create content that resonates with them.

4- Create a content plan: Outline your content strategy, including the types of articles you’ll write the posting schedule and the goals you want to achieve.

Creating Quality Content

To earn a consistent income on Medium it’s crucial to create high quality engaging content. Here are some tips to help you achieve that:

Write compelling headlines: Your headline is the first thing readers see so make it intriguing and click worthy.

Use clear and concise language: Keep your sentences short and simple to make your content more accessible and enjoyable to read.

Add value to your readers: Provide actionable tips, unique insights or personal experiences that offer value and keep readers engaged.

Format your articles for readability: Break up long paragraphs, use subheadings and include images or other media to make your content visually appealing and easy to read.

Edit and proofread your work: Ensure your articles are free from grammatical errors, typos and inconsistencies to maintain a professional image.

Building Your Audience

To reach the $1,000 per month milestone you’ll need to grow and engage your audience. Here are some strategies to help you build a dedicated following:

Network with other writers: Engage with fellow Medium writers by reading, commenting and sharing their content. This helps build relationships and increases the chances of them reciprocating.

Promote your content on social media: Share your articles on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Reddit to reach more readers and drive traffic to your Medium profile.

Build an email list: Encourage readers to subscribe to your newsletter or personal blog to stay connected and keep them updated on your latest content.

Participate in Medium publications: Submit your articles to relevant Medium publications to increase visibility and reach a wider audience.

Optimizing Your Earnings

To maximize your earnings on Medium consider implementing these strategies:

Write consistently: Publish content regularly to establish a routine and keep readers engaged. Consistency also increases the chances of your articles being featured on Medium’s homepage or in recommendations.

Analyze your performance: Use Medium’s stats and analytics to track your article’s performance, identify trends and adjust your content strategy accordingly.

Learn from top earners: Study successful Medium writers and analyze their strategies, writing styles and content topics. Use their techniques to improve your own work.

Success Stories and Examples

Many writers have achieved success on Medium earning $1,000 per month or more. Some examples include:

Zulie Rane:A writer focused on personal development, productivity and writing tips Zulie Rane has earned a consistent income on Medium. Her engaging writing style and in depth articles have helped her build a loyal audience.

Tim Denning: A motivational writer and entrepreneur Tim Denning shares personal experiences, life lessons and business tips. His relatable and inspiring content has attracted a large following on Medium leading to substantial earnings.

Shannon Ashley: Shannon Ashley writes about mental health, relationships and personal growth. Her authentic and vulnerable storytelling has resonated with many readers allowing her to earn a steady income on Medium.

These success stories demonstrate that with dedication persistence and a focus on quality content it’s possible to earn $1,000 per month or more on Medium.


Earning $1,000 per month on Medium is an achievable goal for writers willing to invest time and effort into creating high quality engaging content. By understanding the Medium Partner Program starting your Medium journey, creating valuable content, building your audience, optimizing your earnings and learning from successful writers you can increase your chances of reaching this milestone.

Remember consistency is key. Stay focused on your goals, and with patience and perseverance, you can build a sustainable income on Medium. Happy writing!



Writing Tips
Pen & Pixel

Hey there! I'm here to share my personal experiences on Medium and offer some help on how to succeed and flourish on this platform-Let's grow together!