How Top Medium Writers Earn From Others Efforts

Writing Tips
Pen & Pixel
Published in
4 min readMay 1, 2023

Discover the secrets behind the success of top Medium writers and learn how they earn from the efforts of others through collaboration and leveraging.

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Medium has grown into a popular platform for writers to express their thoughts, tell their stories, and share their expertise. Some writers have managed to rise to the top and earn substantial income from their work on the platform.

But how do these top writers succeed, and how do they benefit from the efforts of others? In this article, we’ll explore the strategies top Medium writers use to collaborate and leverage the work of others to their advantage.

The Power of Collaboration

One key to success on Medium is collaboration. Top writers understand the benefits of working with others and creating content that resonates with a broader audience. Collaborating with fellow writers, editors, and even readers can help you produce quality content and reach a wider audience. Here’s how:

1. Guest Posts and Cross-Promotion

Top Medium writers often collaborate with other writers by featuring guest posts on their publications or blogs. This strategy allows them to benefit from the expertise and audience of their guest writers, while also providing valuable content to their own readers. In return, the guest writer gains exposure to a new audience and potentially increases their own following.

2. Syndication and Republishing

Another effective collaboration strategy involves syndicating or republishing content from other sources. Top Medium writers may republish articles that have already gained traction elsewhere, giving the original author credit and exposure to a new audience. This helps the republisher attract readers to their own work and allows them to benefit from the success of others.

3. Co-authoring and Joint Projects

Co-authoring articles or working on joint projects is another way top Medium writers collaborate. This approach combines the expertise and skills of multiple writers, resulting in a more comprehensive and engaging piece of content. Co-authoring can also help writers reach a larger audience, as each author’s followers are likely to be interested in the collaboration.

Leveraging Content and Strategies

Top Medium writers don’t just collaborate; they also leverage the work of others to boost their own success. Here are some ways they do this:

1. Curating and Sharing Content

One of the simplest ways to leverage the efforts of others is by curating and sharing their content. Top Medium writers often share articles they find interesting or valuable with their audience. This not only helps the original author gain exposure, but also allows the curator to provide their readers with a diverse range of content.

2. Learning From Successful Writers

Top Medium writers don’t just leverage content; they also learn from the strategies and techniques of successful writers. By observing and analyzing what works for others, they can adapt and improve their own writing and marketing efforts. This may involve studying successful headlines, analyzing popular topics, or even emulating the writing style of influential authors.

3. Building a Network

Networking is another essential aspect of leveraging the efforts of others. By building connections with fellow writers, editors, and influencers, top Medium writers can expand their reach and gain access to valuable resources and opportunities. Networking may involve attending writing events, participating in online communities, or engaging with others on social media.

4. Utilizing Tools and Technology

Finally, top Medium writers leverage the power of technology to enhance their work and benefit from the efforts of others. This may involve using content curation tools to discover and share relevant articles, employing analytics software to track their performance, or even using AI-powered writing assistants to improve their content.


The success of top Medium writers is not simply a result of their own hard work and talent; it’s also a product of their ability to collaborate and leverage the efforts of others. By embracing collaboration, networking, and smart content strategies, these writers have managed to create a thriving online presence and earn a substantial income from their work on Medium. If you’re looking to emulate their success, consider incorporating these tactics into your own writing endeavors and watch your Medium presence grow.



Writing Tips
Pen & Pixel

Hey there! I'm here to share my personal experiences on Medium and offer some help on how to succeed and flourish on this platform-Let's grow together!