I Have Three Requests on Behalf of Low-Income Authors from Medium

Writing Tips
Pen & Pixel
Published in
4 min readMay 1, 2023

Writing can be a rewarding and fulfilling way to express oneself, share knowledge and even make a living. Medium has emerged as a popular platform for both established and aspiring authors to publish their work. However there are certain challenges and barriers that low income authors face on the platform. In this article I will outline three requests on behalf of these authors aimed at making Medium a more equitable and friendly environment for all.

1. Earn from External Views with the Medium Partner Program

Medium’s Partner Program is a way for authors to earn money from their published work. Currently the program allows authors to receive revenue from the views and engagement that their content receives from Medium subscribers. However, this model limits the earning potential for authors whose work is also viewed and shared by users outside the platform.


We propose that Medium should update the Partner Program to include revenue from external views. This will not only benefit low income authors but also incentivize content creators to share their work more widely and in turn bring more readers to the platform.


Consider a low income author who writes an insightful article about personal finance. The article is shared on social media and receives thousands of views from non Medium users. Under the current system the author would not receive any revenue from these external views, despite the value their content is providing to readers. By including external views in the Partner Program Medium would compensate the author fairly for their work and encourage them to continue producing high quality content.

2. Protect Novice Authors from Massive Algorithm Changes

Medium’s algorithm plays a significant role in determining the visibility and success of articles on the platform. While it’s important for the platform to constantly evolve and improve its algorithm for better content discovery sudden and drastic changes can negatively impact the earnings of low income authors especially those who are new to the platform and have not yet built a strong following.


We suggest that Medium should implement a more gradual and transparent approach to algorithm changes giving authors time to adapt their strategies and understand the new rules. Additionally, Medium could offer guidance and resources to help novice authors navigate these changes and maximize their content’s visibility.


In 2020, Medium introduced a significant change to its algorithm which shifted the focus from views and reads to engagement, such as claps, comments and highlights. This change left many authors particularly those without a large following struggling to maintain their earnings.

If Medium had provided advance notice of the change, along with resources on how to optimize content for the new algorithm these authors may have been better prepared to adapt and maintain their income.

3. Provide Authors with more Audience Details

One of the keys to success on Medium is understanding one’s audience and tailoring content to meet their needs and interests. However, the platform does not currently offer in depth audience insights making it difficult for authors especially those with limited resources to make informed decisions about their content strategy.


We recommend that Medium enhance its analytics tools to provide authors with more detailed audience data, such as demographics, interests and reading habits. This information would help authors create content that resonates with their target audience ultimately leading to increased engagement and earnings.


An author who writes about technology might benefit from knowing that their audience is primarily composed of young professionals interested in artificial intelligence and machine learning. With this information they could tailor their content to focus on these topics and improve their chances of success on the platform.


In conclusion, by addressing these three requests — earning from external views protecting novice authors from massive algorithm changes and providing more audience details — Medium can create a fairer more inclusive platform for all authors. Implementing these changes will not only support low income authors in their pursuit of success but also benefit the platform as a whole by attracting diverse voices and high quality content.



Writing Tips
Pen & Pixel

Hey there! I'm here to share my personal experiences on Medium and offer some help on how to succeed and flourish on this platform-Let's grow together!