Why Many Medium Writers Saw Earnings Drop in April

Writing Tips
Pen & Pixel
Published in
4 min readApr 30, 2023
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In April, numerous writers on Medium, the popular online publishing platform, experienced a significant decline in their earnings. This comprehensive article will explore the various factors that contributed to this drop, including changes in the Medium Partner Program, algorithm updates, and evolving reading habits. To provide a thorough analysis, we will delve into specific examples and anecdotes from the Medium community that highlight the impact of these changes.

Changes in the Medium Partner Program

One of the primary reasons for the drop in earnings for many Medium writers is the recent changes to the Medium Partner Program (MPP). The MPP is a revenue-sharing program that allows writers to earn money based on the engagement their stories receive from paying subscribers.

Changes in Payment Metrics

Medium shifted the payment metric from “claps” to “reading time.” Previously, claps were an indicator of how much readers appreciated a story. However, this system was often gamed by users who excessively clapped for stories to boost their favorite authors’ earnings.

The new payment metric focuses on reading time, which is calculated by the actual time a subscriber spends reading a story. This change was intended to reward high-quality content that keeps readers engaged.

However, many writers experienced a drop in earnings because their stories were no longer receiving a high number of claps, and reading time might not have correlated directly with the appreciation their content received previously.

Curation and Distribution

Another significant change to the MPP was the introduction of a stricter curation process, which affected how stories were distributed on the platform. Many writers who previously relied on their stories being curated by the Medium editorial team experienced a decline in earnings as their content was no longer being promoted as heavily.

Moreover, Medium began prioritizing content from their own publications, such as Elemental, Forge, and Marker, over individual writers. This move led to decreased visibility for many writers, resulting in fewer views, reads, and ultimately, reduced earnings.

Algorithm Updates

Medium frequently updates its algorithms to improve the overall user experience and promote high-quality content. In April, several algorithm updates led to a drop in earnings for many writers.

Changes in Recommendations

One notable update was the modification of the recommendation algorithm. This change impacted how stories were suggested to readers on their homepage, in emails, and in-app notifications. Many writers who had previously benefited from these recommendations experienced a sudden drop in traffic and earnings as their stories were no longer being prominently featured.

Niche Content

The algorithm updates also seemed to favor niche content over generalist topics. Writers who focused on specific subjects and built a dedicated audience experienced better performance, while those who wrote about a wide range of topics saw a decline in earnings. This change may have been an effort by Medium to cater to more specialized interests and promote in-depth, expert content.

Evolving Reading Habits

As online content consumption habits evolve, Medium’s audience has also been adapting. This shift in reader behavior has contributed to the decline in earnings for some writers.

Focus on Quality over Quantity

In an attempt to combat the overwhelming amount of content available online, many readers have started prioritizing quality over quantity. Consequently, they may spend more time reading a fewer number of articles, which has led to a decrease in overall engagement for some writers.

Increased Competition

There has been a significant increase in the number of writers on Medium in recent months, leading to increased competition for readers’ attention. As a result, some established writers have experienced a decline in their earnings as they compete with an influx of new talent.

How Writers Are Adapting

To counter the drop in earnings, many Medium writers have been adapting their strategies.

  1. Focusing on Niche Topics: By honing in on a particular subject matter, writers can build a loyal audience and cater to the platform’s preference for specialized content.
  2. Improving Writing Quality: As readers prioritize quality over quantity, writers must work on improving their craft and delivering engaging, well-researched content.
  3. Promoting Content Outside Medium: Writers are increasingly turning to social media and other channels to promote their work and drive traffic to their stories, reducing their reliance on Medium’s algorithms and curation.
  4. Collaborating with Publications: By partnering with established Medium publications, writers can increase their visibility and potentially earn more from their stories.

In conclusion, the drop in earnings experienced by many Medium writers in April can be attributed to changes in the Medium Partner Program, algorithm updates, and shifts in reading habits. By adapting their strategies and focusing on high-quality, niche content, writers can overcome these challenges and continue to earn from their work on the platform.



Writing Tips
Pen & Pixel

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