Life Lessons

A Short Journey But A Lifelong Lesson

During The Journey, Take Care Of Yourself And The Innocent People Around You

Nabila Asif Life Lesson Writer
Pen Tribe


Photo by Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash

His age would be around 80 years. The old man was selling balloon packets and rosaries on the side of the road.

His face was full of wrinkles, I lowered the car window a little and started looking at him carefully. I don’t know what stumbling block of time had made him stand on the side of the road at that age.

The broken and worn shoe on his feet told the tale of a long time, the toes were worn out and criss-crossed helplessly on top of each other.

My sister started arguing with him a lot and the old man was repeatedly saying that one packet worth Rs.60 is for balloons and he would give two packets worth Rs.100, while my sister was adamant about taking two packets worth Rs.60.

I was focused on the old man’s helplessness and I don’t know how long the argument between them continued and the car drove off.

During the journey my sister was repeatedly celebrating her victory and saying, "he was giving a packet of sixty rupees, and I took two packets of Sixty rupees, people also have a habit of arguing, at this age, if he can’t sell anything, so why don’t he go home and rest?"

My thoughts were confused in the plight of the old man when suddenly my husband spoke!

Where would you like to eat?

I was still thinking that the children quickly chose their favorite hotel.

We entered a luxurious and branded hotel whose colorful lights made the impression of the old man’s face disappear from my eyes.

Beautiful chairs around a very beautiful table were waiting for us, we were sitting on the chairs when a cute little boy came running to take our order.

Everyone asked for food of their choice, and delicious food was in front of us. Everyone ate as much food as they were hungry, that is, they ate less food and wasted more.

A bill of 5620 rupees was made, Asif took out money from his wallet to pay the bill, but my sister was adamant that she would pay the hotel’s bill.

My sister paid the bill of Rs 6000 with Rs 380 as for tip. Without arguing, he paid such a huge sum of money at a prestigious hotel and it didn’t matter a bit.

On returning home, she was repeatedly saying that the food at the hotel was very tasty.

I told my husband that if you see an elderly person standing on the side of the road, stop the car for a while.

My sister quickly addressed me and said!

No, Nabila, that old man’s balloons are not good and he gives a lot of expensive ones.

Yes, my dear, I don’t want balloons, I am thinking of taking rosaries from him. It is the blessed month of Ramadan. I will give some rosaries to others as a gift.

As you wish!!

Asif parked the car at the same place and the old man ran towards us and said;

Yes, my daughter will take balloons for her children and I also have rosaries, you can take them too.

The man had forgotten that we were the ones who had taken the balloons from him earlier.

Perhaps at this age his memory was also fading, but his compulsions were not over even today, when in the heat and in the noise of the city, he used to jump towards every vehicle.

I turned back and looked at my sister in the back seat of the car who was sleeping soundly, maybe her stomach was full from eating delicious food and sleep was overpowering her.

My aim was not to take advantage of my sister, my aim was to help the elder.

I took all the rosaries from him and he asked for 800 rupees, I put 1000 rupees in that old man’s hand and said, Baba Ji, keep 200 rupees from my side.

He was very happy and I also was very happy to help him.

“My aim is not that we should do good work to get an advantage over someone,” but I want us all to pay attention to such people.

Every day we meet many such people who are forced, by the hands of time, due to difficulties and to satisfy their hunger,

I was thinking that if my father was in the place of this old man today, how would I have coped.

I request you all to buy something from such people even if you don’t want to, because this small act of yours will bring happiness to others and reward for you.

We are not afraid to shopping at famous places, we don’t care about our pockets, we just look at the tags on the things and take them without arguing. Whereas Buying something from a poor and old person we argue until we reach our winning point.

You buy the most expensive and branded stuff too, it’s not wrong, we have every right to fulfill our desires, but buying something from a helpless and forced person standing on the side of the road is a noble and excellent act and believe me, your heart will be very happy and peaceful with this act.

Remember me in your prayers.



Nabila Asif Life Lesson Writer
Pen Tribe

As a creative writer, I publish amazing stories. I am a seeker of knowledge, writer, reader and thinker.✍️