Admiring the Moon: Allah’s beautiful Gift.

Sara S.
Pen Tribe
Published in
5 min readJul 9, 2024


“The Moon was so beautiful that the ocean held up a mirror.” — Ani DiFranco

Since I was a little girl, I’ve always been fascinated by the beauty of the moon. Growing up I’ve always been such a ‘look at the moon’ person. Resting my head on the car window I used to often contemplate on its shape and feel mesmerized by its serene glow. It brought me a sense of peace, an escape from the chaos of my noisy surroundings.

People now often question me at times, ‘Why do you always save and take photos of the moon”? I always say because I love it, and when I stare at its beauty my mind wonders about the beauty of Paradise. When I think about the beauty of Paradise, my mind wonders about the beauty of the One who created it!

The moon with it’s serene presence reminds me of Allah’s magnificinet creation and His boundless beauty. It’s during such moments that my heart feels closer to Him, feeling grateful for the peace it brings into my life.

I love the moon because whenever I find myself missing someone, who is far away, I think of the moon. Despite being thousands of miles apart, two people are looking at the same moon each night. A silent…



Sara S.
Pen Tribe

Capturing emotions and weaving them into words. ✨