Do you Think You Act Smart when You are Rude?

I Don’t Think So!

Nekbakht Mubarak
Pen Tribe


I have seen so many people boasting about how they confront people and make rude comments on their faces. I have also seen many people who feel proud of doing so. To all those, who have made rudeness a brand, I have a few words to say.

How many times did you confront the people rudely and feel proud?

The answer of many may be, many times or all the time.

I feel like saying it!

What if someone ruder than you stands up to you?

Will you appreciate it the same way the way you would if it was you?

I don’t think so!

To clear the clouds for you, I must reveal a secret. A secret, which says you have one or more mirror personalities all around, moving around. They are in the same society where you live.

Someday, somehow, someone comes to you to show you the real you. He won’t hesitate to step on your so-called pride. He would do something which you have been doing for so long and enjoying a lot.

I call it tit for tat! But, it’s not really what those mirror personalities are for.

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Most of the time, the mirror personalities have a purpose! They appear here and there to pop that so-called bubble of pride and ego that we keep entertaining in our minds. Our pride and ego drag us to unacceptable points of entertaining false self-images. Then we are happy and content in that false pride we get after creating hurt and low esteem in someone.

It happens when you have gone a long way to put layer after layer on what you truly are!

And someone will appear to hit that hard spot to dig the real you!

I wonder if you ever cared about all the tears and pain you ignite when you cross your limits and step on someone’s self-esteem and self-respect.

Why do people become so blind in their actions to feel so satisfied in making others feel worthless?

What About Me?

I have been rude many times! I have tasted the after-effects of that awful behaviour. It was not something that I could call true satisfaction or true victory over someone.

I have learnt enough what to do now!

When a situation seems like creating a hot argument, I step out of it. I steer the direction of that conversation in an entirely different direction. I prefer steering through it with grace and compassion.

Do you think that a battle can take place if your opponent leaves the fighting ring?

Not really! I do the same.

Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash

And most of the time, I wish the person who tries to argue with me could see the expression on their face when they realize I won’t engage with them. In verbal debates, they end up contradicting themselves and becoming confused, which I find amusing.

I only understood the significance of avoiding arguments when I started experiencing the consequences of engaging in them. I believe, being rude to someone is nothing less than an attack on their self-respect. It should be avoided at all costs. If left unchecked, it can take over your mind and lead to further harm.

Do you want to know why rudeness can be your enemy in disguise?

You might want to have some convincing argument to decide if to follow being rude or do something else.

Let’s talk! Here is what I have to say.

Rudeness Attacks on Your Personal Energy Levels

Rudeness, whether expressed through words or actions, has a dangerous effect on your energy_ your auric field. When you engage in negative behaviours, you become entangled with the negative energies of others.

Photo by Chris DeRoin on Unsplash

This negativity lowers your mental frequency. It hinders your ability to attract positive experiences. This means your mind operates at its lowest frequency. Then, it creates a breeding ground for more anger and rudeness.

Your Negativity Multiply Your Karmas

The law of attraction suggests that like attracts like.

If you constantly radiate negative energy through rudeness, you multiply your negative karma. The universe responds to your energy and brings forth situations that match your emotional state. Consequently, your life becomes a continuous cycle of anger and rudeness.

Photo by David Knox on Unsplash

And you are unintentionally contributing to spreading a toxic environment.

Another negative karma!

You Feel an Absence of True Happiness

True happiness is a stranger to you if you choose rudeness as your default mode of interaction.

A heart only feels alive with gentleness.

Photo by Count Chris on Unsplash

Our heart struggles to experience genuine joy when clouded by negativity. Instead of relaxing in the warmth of love and kindness, we are immersed in rudeness. Then, we find ourselves trapped in a cycle of discontent.

You are Letting Your Ego Grow Bigger and Bigger

You know, rudeness contributes to the growth of your ego. It makes it bigger and bigger with each passing day.

Your inflated ego distances you from your authentic self and others.

Photo by Dylan Hunter on Unsplash

As a result, meaningful connections become scarce for you. Therefore, the pursuit of personal satisfaction at the expense of others becomes the norm.

You Suffer from Loneliness

When you choose rudeness, you isolate yourself from the possibility of true companionship.

Genuine friends and loved ones are drawn to kindness and compassion.

Photo by Verne Ho on Unsplash

I believe you make them not come closer when you radiate negativity. Finding sincere friends and near ones becomes challenging if you are famous as a rude person.

Your harsh words repel those who could have been your true near and dear ones.

The Inability to Learn Love

Have you ever noticed rudeness almost blinds us to the beauty of love and compassion?

Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash

By consistently choosing to shout and act nonsense, we deny ourselves the opportunity to feel love. Our rudeness leaves us emotionally broken.

The Onset of Craziness

Your rudeness attacks you the first before even reaching the other person.

Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

It takes you to a level of emotional turmoil and mental instability.

The constant verbal abuse only drives you to the brink of insanity. And your mind becomes entangled in this satisfying but capturing your rational thinking. You give way to irrational outbursts and unpredictable behaviour.

God’s Love for the Merciful

In contrast to a silly and harsh response in words and thoughts, politeness and kindness resonate with divine love.

God, the merciful, showers His love upon those who extend compassion to others.

Photo by Freestocks on Unsplash

Choosing kindness over rudeness aligns you with the highest frequency that God vibrates with. It allows you to attract God’s blessings and grace into your life.

All it takes is the perfect alignment.

Be Polite, be humble, and be down to earth.


Choosing kindness over rudeness is not only a personal choice, it is also a profitable trade. This simple diplomacy brings your near and dear ones even nearer and dearer to you and you to them.

Photo by Courtney Cook on Unsplash

Let’s rise above our ego and false self-pride!

Let’s break free from this destructive cycle to cultivate a life rich in love, joy, and genuine connections.



Nekbakht Mubarak
Pen Tribe

Passionate about writing, I explore sports, travel, food, yoga, devotional literature, mental & emotional health, self-improvement, spirituality & more...