Life Lessons

I Wish I Could Rewind The Clock

Indecision often leads to regret

Saeed Khan
Pen Tribe


Photo by Muhmed Alaa El-Bank on Unsplash

We Sapiens are more attracted to things in scarcity than to things in abundance. It is the “forbidden fruit effect,” which always craves men for achieving what they can’t have.

Hassan and Sana were classmates and really good college friends. They were both really good-looking and intelligent at the same time. They were looking great together.

People used to admire them for the chemistry they had. Everyone in their families and friends was expecting them to be the future husband and wife and a happily married couple.

But you know what?

Neither of them had any such feelings, nor did they ever think about it. Soon, their friendship became the talk of the town.

There had been rumors about their affair, but they paid no heed because they knew each other well and thought they were just friends and nothing more.

Lately, Hassan got a scholarship for his bachelor's and traveled abroad, and Sana pursued her education at a local university.

After graduation, Sana’s parents decided on her engagement to one of her cousins, Afan. Sana agreed to what her parents decided for her because she had no one in mind to whom she could marry. She always wanted her parents to be happy and proud of her.

After graduation, Hassan arrived in his hometown. He met Sana after a very long time, and for the first time, he felt something that he had never felt before.

Sana was also excited and happy to see her friend after a long time, but she didn’t feel anything, which Hassan did. Hassan had fallen in love with Sana but had no courage to tell her that he was in love with her.

With each passing day, his love for Sana grew stronger. He tried to convince his mind that it was a temporary feeling and that he would not take it very seriously. He tried his best but to no avail.

He fell for Sana completely and had no choice but to tell her about his feelings. At first, he tried to tell her about his feelings, but he didn’t have the nerve to go one-on-one and tell Sana that he was in love with her.

After much deliberation, he texted Sana and expressed all his feelings. Sana thought he was kidding, and she didn’t take it seriously. Now that Hassan was engaged in regular conversation with her, he started telling her everything.

Little by little, she also fell head over heels for Hassan. Now, both of them were in big trouble because Sana’s wedding was to be fixed soon.

They took every possible measure to find a way out but miserably failed to have one. Because if they made any blunder, their families had to bear the brunt, because in their families, honor was considered more important than even life itself.

Sana didn’t dare to go against her parents and tell them that she was in love with Hassan because, at the time of the engagement, she was consulted first of all.

Hassan was so depressed and heartbroken now, and he had no choice but to go with the flow.

Sana was heartbroken too, but she had to save her parents’ honor as well, so she had to accept it as the need of the hour and get married to Afan.

Sana got married to Afan and tried to calm her feelings for Hassan, but it was not that easy. Now, she had to live the rest of her life with this tragedy.

“At the end of the day, we only regret the chance we never took.”

Hassan had to live with the pain too, and it was better for him to forget Sana and get married elsewhere, but it was not easy for him either.

Hassan never thought he would feel so much pain over Sana’s breakup. He couldn’t sleep and would be wide awake the whole night. Staying in his hometown has become troublesome for Hassan, so he decided to go abroad again.

Hassan stayed abroad for 13 long years, but he could never forget Sana. Her separation caused Hassan severe pain and constant agony.

Hassan returned to his hometown after 13 years and met Sana in a wedding ceremony. He was surprised to see that she was even prettier, and no one could believe that she was the mother of three. She looked fit and gorgeous, and Hassan felt a fresh wave of pain cross his heart.

Hassan’s love for Sana never faded all these years, and he was still deeply in love with her. Forgetting Sana didn’t seem to be an option for him. He had no other option but to go back abroad and never come again.

Hassan left his hometown forever and settled abroad permanently.

“Losing her was like having a hole shot straight through me— a painful, constant reminder, an absence I could never fill.”

Wrapping up:

Not every love story has a happy ending; some may cause you eternal pain and regret.

Hassan and Sana didn’t take the time to make the decision and paid the price. They had the opportunity to find love when it was around, but they didn’t take it seriously.

They paid the price for their indecisiveness.

When happiness was knocking at their door, they were busy finding it elsewhere.

What can you and I learn from this story?

  1. Making decisions in your personal life or business is an important skill you should equip yourself with.
  2. Never miss an opportunity, because nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity.
  3. Be grateful for what you have rather than seeking what you don’t.
  4. Do things when they are easy, and they may not always be the same.

Thank you for reading! If you think it deserves a bunch of claps, please go ahead. If there is anything you want to say— a suggestion, advice, anything— write it in the comment section. I would love to know. Clicking the follow button would be a great encouragement.



Saeed Khan
Pen Tribe

My name is Saeed Khan, and I'm an educator cum writer. I enjoy reading books, articles, blogs and stories. To become a great writer is my dream