Life Lessons

Life’s Unfair Treatment

Life gives you a lot, but it does the opposite equally

Saeed Khan
Pen Tribe


Photo by Alev Takil on Unsplash

Life is so unpredictable; you never know what tomorrow will be like. Life is a mixture of happiness, sadness, good times, and bad times.

My neighbour, Raheem Khan, used to work for a national-level company as an administration manager. His wife, Aunt Shabnam, worked as a school teacher.

They had no children for five years of their marriage. In her sixth year of marriage, Aunt gave birth to two identical twins. They named them after two renowned Pakistani scientists, Dr. Abdussalam and Abdul Qadeer Khan.

They brought them up with great care and affection because they had longed for so long to have children.

They used to call them Salam and Qadeer. When they turned five, Uncle Raheem sent them to the best school in town.

Both were very good at studying and maintained very good grades throughout all the exams.

Uncle Raheem would buy them expensive presents whenever they took good positions at school. They were being provided with everything they wished for.

After intermediate school, they were sent to an engineering college in the capital city because they wished to become engineers. The college was far away, so they had to stay in a hostel.

They studied hard and didn’t break the chain of taking good positions. They maintained their academic success intact and got a gold medal in the final exam.

Uncle and Aunt were extremely happy because they had been waiting for so long to witness this day. A day when their twins would make them proud.

Their next target was to find a good job with a handsome salary to make their parents proud and happy. They wanted to fulfil all the wishes their parents had.

Salam and Qadeer packed up their belongings and came home after a long time. It took them five hours to finally reach home.

Their parents were waiting impatiently for their arrival, and they prepared their favourite dishes and decorated the dining table exquisitely. It was one of the best dinners they ever had. They were overjoyed after achieving their goals and spending time with their parents.

Uncle and Aunt were very happy to finally have their children with them. They were very proud of their twin sons. They were very pleased about their sons’ success and had expected a beautiful and happy life ahead.

The twins had lived in the same room since their childhood; their room was upstairs. They all went to their bedrooms at midnight, after they had talked for a long time.

It was early December, and the weather was very cold. Their room was warmed up with a gas heater.

They talked for some time while lying on their beds and fell asleep. They forgot to turn off the gas heater before going to bed.

In the morning, their parents waited for them at the breakfast table. But they hadn’t come till a quarter to eleven.

Uncle felt a bit worried and went to their room to wake them up so they could have breakfast together.

At first, he slowly knocked on the door and called their names, but they didn’t answer.

Upon calling repeatedly and knocking on the door with full force, he still got no reply. Uncle got so uneasy and confused.

When nothing worked, he finally decided to break down the door and find out what the issue was.

When they broke down the door and got into the room, they saw the twins lying on their beds. They tried to awaken them, but they showed no movement.

The twins were no more.

They didn’t notice turning off the gas heater. The door was closed, the windows were closed, and there was no other way left for fresh oxygen to come into the room.

Soon after they got their beds, they became unconscious and finally died because of a lack of fresh oxygen.

The room was airtight, and the heater wasn’t turned off. There was no supply of fresh oxygen in the room. They became unconscious during sleep and ultimately died.

It was such an unimaginable and irreparable loss that it even left all the people in the area in tears. Relatives, friends, neighbours, the people who knew them, and even those who heard about the incident were deeply saddened.

The shock was so great that Uncle and Aunt remained unconscious and motionless for several hours. This was the worst thing that ever happened to them in their whole lives.

It was very challenging for both of them to cope with such a huge loss, but time heals all the wounds.

It took them one and a half years to finally get out of the trauma and start living life anew.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Live your life now, because the present moment is all that you have. What has happened can’t be changed, and what has to come is unpredictable.
  2. Don’t wait for tomorrow (the future) to be happy; maybe today is the last day of your life.
  3. Live your life to the fullest; don’t link your pleasure to a future occasion or situation. Don’t hide yourself behind ifs and buts.
  4. Time is the best healer. No matter how miserable you are, your suffering will vanish one day.
  5. Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching. Learn to face the challenges of life and come out victorious after every battle.
  6. Pain and suffering are inevitable parts of life; you can’t stop them from happening, but you can change the way you deal with them.

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

Thank you for reading! I hope it helps; if so, don’t leave without clapping. If there is anything you want to say or advice for me, leave a comment. I would love to know. Pressing the follow button would be a great encouragement.



Saeed Khan
Pen Tribe

My name is Saeed Khan, and I'm an educator cum writer. I enjoy reading books, articles, blogs and stories. To become a great writer is my dream