Life Lessons

Sound Mental Health is Diamond Wealth

Ways to Conquer Your Mental War

Ujala Huda
Pen Tribe
4 min readDec 1, 2023


The famous proverb “Health is Wealth” holds great importance and no one can deny its worth because a sound body has a sound mind. What if you are healthy but have poor mental health? Can you make sensible decisions about your life, your daily activities, and even Your future? The answer is a ‘BIG NO’.

Photo by Fernando @cferdophotography on Unsplash

I believe that if your inner world is in great contentment, you do justice to your outer world. You show empathy and sympathy not only to yourself but also to other people.

If you are at war with Your mental health, there are 6 ways to instantly feel better.

1) Overcome Overthinking through Writing:

Sometimes, bad or even worse things happen to You. During this tough time, if you think more about them, you feel more down. Writing can surely be a powerful tool to overcome thinking. Write down everything that comes to Your mind. This will help clear mental clutter and ultimately worries will start leaving your mental attention. Eventually, you will be able to come up with sensible solutions and potential actions you would take later.

2) Utilize Meditation as a Tool to Alleviate Anxiety:

Meditation serves as a wonderful therapy to alleviate anxiety by fostering a calm state of mind. Through this practice, your mind gets trained to focus on important things only without getting any worries about the past or future. It also helps in your normal condition and you feel more comfortable and contented. By adopting a regular meditation practice, you will be able to get serenity in your daily affairs. Ultimately, you will not be engulfed in trivial worries daily. It will boost your stamina and self-power.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

3) Take a Nap to end Your Tiredness and Stable Mental Health:

Taking a nap is the best way to take a light slumber from your mental stress and overcome your tiredness. Close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax. Napping can boost your mental power, improve your cognitive functioning, and allow you to wake up with full enthusiasm to perform your role in a better way. In this way, you communicate with your peer, mentor, and boss with polished etiquette, and indeed your society gets enhanced.

4) Do Exercise to Shatter Sadness:

Sadness is a genuine fact and it engulfs one’s happiness and pushes one into a deluge of neverending sufferings. But, the best way to overcome it is to exercise daily. Whenever you feel stressed, get busy with some light exercise. It will deviate your mind from your sufferings and bring you the peace you require. The best way is to go on a long walk. Walking will give you serenity and you will back to your work with full enthusiasm.

5) To Shun Anger through Listening to Your Favorite Music:

If you are feeling low, you should choose tunes that make you feel good. It is not good to be at ease after getting angry with others. It gets you down and lets negativity engulf you. Remember everyone responds to music differently so find which song suits your mood and shun your feelings of sadness. It will gradually lift your spirit and instantly improve your mood.

6) Read if You Are Burned Out:

If you are feeling burnout, it’s important to figure out it and take steps to address it. If you are feeling depressed or dejected, take breaks, have full sleep, and give yourself time to recover from such feelings. If burnout persists, talk to a counselor for guidance. Learn to say “No” when necessary. Remember, burnout is common, and do not feel hesitation in seeking your well-being. Adopting such behavior will not showcase your weakness, rather it will polish you for your future activities.

Photo by Eneida Hoti on Unsplash

In conclusion, mental health is the most important part of your life and it can not be overlooked in any way. Taking the above-mentioned steps will indeed help you mend your mental health difficulties. When you are mentally stable, you can take care of your physical health in a better way. Surely, the sound of mental health is diamond wealth.



Ujala Huda
Pen Tribe

I am a creative writer and like to write about facts and fictions. I will try my level best to enlighten my followers.