
Sprinkling Some Imagination in Talking Humanity!

A Helping Hand in Need

Nekbakht Mubarak
Pen Tribe


Photo by Austin Kehmeier on Unsplash

Jokingly admiring people
Laughingly staring at people
Those who withstand this wordplay can understand,
Some human’s nature so low as an animal they land

Past is past and all actions are written,
The wicked will realize their folly when they are bitten
Making laughter, Giving smiles
A hundred saints won’t beat this trait through miles

Noble gestures and good ethics,
No more mockery, no more tricks!
Seek counsel from the old and wise,
Reach heights next to the skies

Think good, do good, it’s right,
Evil thoughts lead to blight
So many people, so many lives,
Who is better? who is wise?

I profess beauty resides within,
Beneath the surface, where souls begin
In Poland, Britain, any time or place,
Good fortune awaits if you embrace,

Knowing what to say, what to do,
Not messing up, staying true!
Giving a helping hand in need is great
I bow to that wisdom which causes such fate

Anyone above this line,
Must come up and combine,
To all those who make humanity proud!
See, All the people bow to them as a crowd!

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash



Nekbakht Mubarak
Pen Tribe

Passionate about writing, I explore sports, travel, food, yoga, devotional literature, mental & emotional health, self-improvement, spirituality & more...