
Stop Making The Same Mistakes

This is Not A Request or A Polite Suggestion

Mahnoor Hasan Khan
Pen Tribe


It's a downright command of your mental wellbeing.

Photo by 愚木混株 cdd20 on Unsplash

Did someone hurt you?
Belittled you.
Insult you.

Disrespect is evident in their tone and attitude.
Leave them. Cut off ties. Delete them from your life.
It sounds extreme, but it is necessary.
For your mental well-being.

Unless you want to be stabbed again and again,
leaving the knife stained with red.
Unless you want to allow yourself to be
treated like a doormat with the words,

Step all over me, I will never learn my lesson from it.
Unless you enjoy draining all of your energy and sacrificing your peace.
Then stay quiet and repeat.
Repeat the same mistakes.

Allow the same people to hurt you, again and again.

“They've changed, I promise!”

Oh, my darling,
How should I explain this?
The people who said those words,
Behind your back or to your face,
Will never change their ways.

They can pretend to.
Act as if nothing has happened,
The fights, the betrayal, the injustices,
And arguments are all in the past.

Buried underneath the depths of the sea,
Never to be relived or retrieved.
However, deep down,
The friendship,

Once so blissful and filled with hope,
Has been ignited into a blazing flame of pain.
Never to be extinguished.
Never to be put out.

By allowing them into your lives again,
You only burn yourself.
So, for the sake of your mental peace,
Take those people off the highest shelf.

The garbage can outside your house,
Throw them in it,
That's where they belong.
It does not make you sensitive or unkind

But simply shows you are smart enough to prioritize your
Well-being over your habit of people-pleasing.
Before you go,
A quick reminder

To avoid repeating the same blunders.
For life is so vast in its lessons,
Why keep learning the same old things?
Go out and explore,

Make new mistakes,
And learn from them.
Once the lesson is learned,
Then move on to the next.

Be sure never to make the same mistakes again.



Mahnoor Hasan Khan
Pen Tribe

To write is like to breathe, you simply do it, because you must.