Life Lessons

Time Management: The Only 3 Practical Tips You Need

Stop With Pomodoro Techniques and To-do Lists

Mahnoor Hasan Khan
Pen Tribe


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Let us be honest.

Money can be made.

Career paths can change.

You lose old and make new friends every day.

However, time…

it can only be chased.

Either put to good use or wasted.

Never truly in your control.

When confronted with the most boring lecture, each second takes longer than the last.

When out and about, enjoying with friends, it goes by in a flash.

Why is that?

There is no debate, time is our most valuable asset.

Despite knowing this, some people still fall into ruts and lose track of their precious minutes and hours, sometimes even days and weeks.

If you ask me, I believe it's because of the media.

We are overconsuming and not utilizing.

So, without any more chit-chat, I'm going to get straight to my first point.

1. Change your mindset

Never. I mean never, say:

I don't have time.

It poisons your brain into thinking you don't have any control over your time.

“But I don't have any control, I work, am a parent, and have this and those responsibilities.”

You see, even if you have zero control over where your time is going, you still cannot keep telling your brain, that you don't have time for something.

It conditions you to think, that you can't even manage your time, let alone your finances or relationships.

Instead, tell yourself for yourself sake:

I prioritize this over that.

Not only does it give you more sense of control, but it also makes you conscious about what exactly you're prioritizing.

If you are scrolling mindlessly and someone asks for your help, you answer with “I don't have time”, and you continue scrolling guilt-free.

Now, if you answer with“ I am prioritizing scrolling TikTok over getting up and being productive”, really makes you rethink your choices, doesn't it?

A small shift, but it will bring a massive change in your attitude and habits.

2. Set triggers throughout the day

There are multiple ways to do this.

Here are 2:

  1. Put reminders on your phone every 30 minutes with a good quote, anti-procrastination messages, or even straight-up commands to stop wasting time.

If you want to take this a step further, you can put a baby photo of you on those reminders and write: “What is her/his future going to look like?”

(Works like a charm!)

2. Get a sheet of paper and write your dream life/routine on it WITH TIME STAMPS and hang it around the house (Make copies of it), any time you see it, do what your ideal self would we're doing that very second. (Or work towards achieving that dream life)

3. Schedule breaks

We're only human.

We can get burnt out.

It’s natural.

However, a great way of avoiding burning out and keeping life exciting is to have moments of pure enjoyment.

No matter how small or big, make sure to give yourself at least a day out of the week to simply exist.



Mahnoor Hasan Khan
Pen Tribe

To write is like to breathe, you simply do it, because you must.