Life Lessons

What Is This Rush All About?

Swift Strides

Gargy Mudgal
Pen Tribe


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Why is everybody in such a rush pulling others along with them?

Can not we enjoy a slower speed keeping our intentions on ourselves without others concerning it as an issue of uncertainty if we choose to maintain our events exclusive?”

Is it as simple as not wanting to share until we’re sure about our direction? Why the constant barrage of questions about our activities?

Can’t we appreciate the art of nothingness, not just for hours or days but for months if we need it?

I understand prolonged inactivity may not be prudent, as it could entangle us in a comfort web that’s hard to escape. Yet, can’t we take a measured approach, stepping forward with thoughtful reflection on our intentions?

I am aware that we shouldn’t go too slow, and neither am I promoting laziness, I mean we don’t need to be slow at everything, but I firmly believe that going slow with certain parts of life and not wanting to be a part of certain things in our lives, without anybody’s interrogation or interruption, will only help us to be better with ourselves, our lives, or our decisions.

I don’t understand the rush in making decisions. Why does the job search and employment have to be as quick as possible? Must we get married right after landing a job or finishing our education? Everyone has their timing for things in life, and they happen when they’re supposed to.

I know the clock is ticking, but life isn’t a time bomb. Our choices and when we make them should be our own, not influenced by external pressures. It’s okay to offer guidance, but let’s not force others into actions on a timetable.

Why keep asking others about their plans and telling them when to act?

It’s their life, not yours. Let people live on their terms, free from external pressure. Show respect for others’ autonomy, as life should unfold organically, not according to someone else’s schedule.

Why the push for quick progress? Can’t we appreciate a slower pace?

The expectation that inactivity equals worthlessness is off the mark. Pursuing interests beyond immediate employment should be accepted without inducing feelings of inadequacy.

Why the nosy questions about personal matters?

We shouldn’t feel compelled to spill every detail of our lives, especially during transformative times. Taking deliberate actions, like introspection, should be valued for its intrinsic worth.

Let’s normalize welcoming an action pace aligned with our needs and withstanding outside stress. I hope people recognize the relevance of freedom as well as avoid disturbing others’ lives. Allow each to weave their life thread, without undesirable disturbance.

Photo by ALAN DE LA CRUZ on Unsplash

