
Whispers of Purpose

Navigating the Depths of Existence

Gargy Mudgal
Pen Tribe


Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

Within my soul I feel suffocated,
Contemplating life’s deepest questions unabated.
What is my purpose in this grand design?
Eventually all things must waste away with time.

My destiny awaits at life’s last door,
Leaving all I’ve known and then so much more.
No meaning or reason will there be found,
As dust returns to dust upon the ground.

But my mind rebels against these wandering thoughts,
Unable to grasp what destiny has wrought.
Perhaps my role is what the Lord has destined,
And in his plan there is wisdom invested.

Still I suffer, trying to understand,
Wondering the purpose of my mortal span.
Then I recall life’s joys that lift my face,
And pains that teach me in each moment’s place.

’Tis these that show me why I’m placed here,
In this time and space, my mission here.
The smiles and tears, they are enough to see,
Why I exist, and find my destiny.

I feel suffocated at times within my own soul as I contemplate the reasons for my existence as a whole.

I wonder, what is it all for? Eventually, our destination will come to an end, leaving everything behind and making no sense to anyone or anything at all.

But then my mind restrains my thoughts from dwelling on what I cannot control because perhaps my mere existence is my given role by the mighty Lord.

I find myself suffering for a reason, wondering why I am here. But then I remind myself of the little joys and pains of life and realize that these are the reasons for where I am.

Perhaps life is all about finding joy amid pain and using our struggles to strengthen our souls while playing our roles until the very end.

