I Love You Always

A poem

Waqas Ahmad
Pen & Verse
2 min readJun 28, 2024


And in the end, when all is said and done,
know this, my love, my heart’s true song:
I love you always, eternally, beyond the stars and time —
forever and a day, you are mine.

In the hush of morning’s first light,
when the world is still wrapped in the arms of dawn,
I feel the whisper of your presence,
soft as a feather, tender as a breath.

The sun climbs, painting the sky with promises,
and I trace the contours of your smile in my mind,
each curve a chapter of our story,
each line a testament to the love we’ve forged.

Your voice, a melody that dances in the air,
lilts through my day, a song I carry in my heart,
its notes weaving into the fabric of my thoughts,
a constant reminder of the joy you bring.

In the quiet moments between the rush,
when the world pauses and the noise fades,
I see your face, a beacon in the storm,
a lighthouse guiding me home.

Your laughter, a cascade of warmth,
spills into my soul, filling the cracks,
mending the fractures time has etched,
a balm that soothes, heals, renews.

As the stars wink into existence,
their light a chorus of ancient truths,
I hold you in my thoughts, in my dreams,
each heartbeat a pledge of my love, unending.

I love you in the silence of the night,
in the chatter of the day,
in the spaces in between,
where only we exist.

I love you in the breath I take,
in the words I speak,
in the quiet moments of reflection,
in the chaos of existence.

I love you in the past we’ve shared,
in the present we build,
in the future we dream.


Waqas Ahmad is a Pharm-D. graduate with a passion for writing. His expertise in pharmacy is complemented by his creative flair, allowing him to bridge the worlds of science and art. Waqas is dedicated to crafting compelling narratives that inspire and inform, blending his knowledge with his love for storytelling.

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