Roasted Survivals


Waqas Ahmad
Pen & Verse
2 min readJul 9, 2024


In the crackle of flames,
Memories curl like smoke,
Roasting over embers of time,
Each moment seared into existence.

Survivals, charred but whole,
Resilience forged in fiery trials,
Lessons learned in the heat,
Transforming pain into strength.

The bitterness of loss,
Simmered into bittersweet wisdom,
Regrets reduced to ashes,
Scattered by winds of acceptance.

We gather around the fire,
Faces lit by flickering light,
Sharing stories of battles won,
Scars worn like badges of honor.

Roasted survivals, tender yet tough,
Flavors of laughter and tears,
Savoured in the communion of souls,
Embracing life’s unpredictable feast.

“Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain.”

This quote encourages resilience and a proactive approach to life’s challenges. It suggests that instead of passively waiting for difficult times to end, one should actively find joy and meaning even in adversity.

It advocates for embracing the present moment, regardless of its difficulties, and finding opportunities for growth and happiness amidst life’s storms.

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