

Waqas Ahmad
Pen & Verse
Jul 4, 2024


The grip tightens, a fist clenched around a heart.
We fight, a relentless battle against the tide.
Waves crash, pulling at our feet, whispers of surrender.
But the mind, a fortress, holds fast, refusing to yield.

A storm rages within, a dance of defiance and doubt.
Fear whispers its venomous lies, holding us captive.
Yet, a flicker of hope, a tiny spark ignites.
A whisper of peace, a surrender to the unknown.

Not a defeat, but a release.
The weight lifted, a breath finally drawn.
Letting go, surrendering to the current,
Floating, adrift, carried by the gentle flow.

The storm subsides, the fortress dissolves.
The heart, once clenched, now open, vulnerable.
A surrender not to weakness, but to strength.
A surrender to the ebb and flow of life,
A surrender to the beauty of letting go.

