Exploring the play between light and darkness, reality and illusion.

The Dance of Shadows


Umaima Irfan
Pen & Verse


Photo from Pinterest

In the quiet of twilight, shadows begin their waltz,
Softly stepping across the fading light,
They weave through the tapestry of dusk,
A ballet of darkness and silhouette.

Each movement a whisper of mystery,
Cast by the moon’s gentle hand,
They embrace the edges of existence,
Where light and darkness converge.

The dance unfolds in silent harmony,
Choreographed by the passing hours,
Shadows elongate and shrink,
With the rhythm of the setting sun.

They pirouette around forgotten corners,
Caressing every contour with their cool embrace,
Painting the world in shades of gray,
As night unfolds its velvet cloak.

In the stillness, they linger like echoes,
Ghosts of objects that once stood tall,
Their presence a reminder of what lies beyond,
In the realm where reality meets dreams.

And so they sway, these elusive forms,
A symphony of absence and presence,
The dance of shadows, eternal and fleeting,
Capturing the essence of the twilight hour.

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