Interrupted by Chronic Illness.

When Writing Stops.

Chanah Liora Wizenberg
Pen Wize
3 min readMar 7, 2018


I have ME/CFS and it’s the one thing that will put a halt, temporarily, to my writing. It’s what has kept me from posting for the last several days.

When I get got by ME/CFS I have to be patient and wait it out. Most of the time it means I did too much or shocked my body by something intense.

In this case, it was getting up at four o’clock in the morning to take my roommate to the hospital for her knee replacement surgery. She had to be there by five in the morning which is why I had to get up too damn early. Ugh.

The surgery was originally scheduled for later in the morning and we were supposed to arrive at seven o’clock which was bad enough, but my roommate got a call the night before that her surgery was moved up, hence having to be at the hospital at the god-forsaken hour of six o’clock in the morning.

I am NOT a morning person.

Although, I love the “early” morning. If my body had its way I would go sleep about three a.m. and get up around ten a.m. I dislike that schedule because I am not productive.

If I work hard I can train my body to go to bed by midnight and be up about eight in the morning. When I can do this, I am a happy camper. It only takes one late night to fuck up my sleep cycle. The CFS does not help.

It’s a week now since I had to be up so early. I had to do quite a bit shopping as well last Wednesday and Thursday for M-. All of that proved too my much.

I could feel the fatigue and pain coming on and by Friday of last week I couldn’t get out of bed.

Saturday, I pet sat which I enjoy doing. However, it was not fun due to my CFS issues. I couldn’t even give the dogs their full walk. It was a good thing it was daytime job with no overnight.

Sunday, it was back to bed.

Today is Tuesday and now that it is after six o’clock in the evening I am getting some writing done. Such is my life living with an invisible disability.

Since you have not heard from in a while I decided to share why.

This is the first time I have shared about one of my health issues.

The CFS is what gets me the most. I also have Fibromyalgia. Fibro likes to come with something else to pair it. CFS or Lupus are the most common pairings.

Okay, the good news. I have pulled out my outline for my mystery and I am in the process of going through the tutorials for Scrivener.

More to come on that soon!

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