When Chronic Illness Gets in the Way.

Chanah Liora Wizenberg
Pen Wize
Published in
2 min readMar 28, 2018

Life stuff.


Recovering from many bad days from ME (missed almost a month!) and then a cold. All of that stops me from writing.

I know a lot of people who can still write when they are down. I am not one of them. I never could. And that is OK. It just took me awhile to realize that and not beat myself up over it. I remain impressed and a bit awed by those who can write not matter how sick they are.

When I was kid I used to marvel at my friends who parents would get their daily school work for them, so they could keep up even though they were sick. When I’m sick all I can do is lie around and wait to feel better. I can’t even read. It makes me wonder what is different in me that I am not able to do that. It intrigues me.

At last I am feeling better and ready to venture out.

It feels good to have some energy and feel like I can get back to work. I’m sitting in the lobby of the YMCA enjoying a cup of coffee while I work. I figure if I write here it will be easier to get my swim in or a little workout on the erg (rowing machine) before I go home.

I have read through my tarot novel well, the sad little I have done on it. I thought I had written a whole lot more than I had. However, it’s a positive because I am not very happy with the quality of the writing. I have some decisions to make. Start over or re-write, make if suspenseful fiction or mystery thriller?

That is good news because there isn’t too much there, about 6,000 words to fix up or start over.

Thank goodness for Beemgee! My more thorough outline is there. I need to flush it out more and feel like I might to do it longhand. Yes, that’s what I ‘ll do. When I finish it I’ll take a photo of it and post it…if I’m brave enough….

As I write this, I am getting antsy. Feeling a need to get in the pool and swim, it’s one of my best forms of freeing my mind when I hit a block or need to think about a section, while at the same time feeling tired. Sigh.

What do you do to free up your mind? Post it in the comment section!

