Step-by-Step Guide: Pendulum Forex AMM Testnet

Published in
5 min readJun 28, 2024

Pendulum Forex AMM Testnet gives you an exclusive opportunity to experience the future of decentralized Forex trading on-chain. Powered by Nabla’s cutting-edge technology, the Forex-optimized AMM enables seamless and low-slippage swaps between various stablecoins.

Participating in this Testnet campaign gives you a front-row seat to the next generation of Forex trading and contributes to its development. Plus, you can earn PEN rewards for your participation.

Two Ways to Earn PEN:

  • Raffle: Complete all tasks to be entered. 5 winners will be randomly selected, each receiving $300 worth of PEN of the total $1500 raffle prize pool.
  • Top Feedback: The second way is to provide detailed feedback. The most helpful 5 submissions will each win $100 worth of PEN of the $500 feedback prize pool.

Please Note: This campaign is on Testnet, so expect transactions to be slow as block times are generally longer. After your transaction is completed, it might take a minute or two for it to update on the campaign backend due to potential processing delays.

Let’s get started, click here to go to the campaign.

Follow this simple guide to try out the Testnet on Airlyft:

1. Follow an account on X (Twitter)
2. Sign Terms & Conditions
3. Obtain Testnet and AMPE Tokens
4. Do a Swap
5. Add Liquidity to Swap Pool
6. Add Liquidity to Backstop Pool
7. Feedback

Step 1. Follow an account on X (Twitter)

  • Click the link to join the Testnet campaign.
  • Select the account you want to connect on X(Twitter)
  • You’ll be redirected to Pendulum’s profile. Then, click Follow to complete this task.
  • This notification will appear in the upper right corner whenever you complete the following quests.

Step 2. Sign Terms & Conditions

  • Choose your preferred Polkadot Wallet to sign the terms.
  • When your wallet UI appears, approve the sign request to complete the task.

Step 3. Obtain Testnet and AMPE Tokens

AMPE Tokens

You will need a small amount of AMPE (less than 5 AMPE) to fund the gas fees.

  • Navigate to Amplitude Portal, and click the ‘Get AMPE’ button at the top bar.
  • Enter the amount of USDT/KSM you want to swap for AMPE.

Testnet Tokens

For this quest, you’ll get the Testnet tokens to use on the Forex AMM Testnet. Here’s how you can get Testnet tokens:

  • If you experience an error, just hit refresh.

Step 4. Do a Swap

  • For this quest, you will be performing swaps on the Testnet.
  • Swap the AMPE token for another token, such as Mock BRL, Mock EUR, or other available options.
  • Approve the transaction and complete the swap.

Step 5. Add Liquidity to Swap Pool

  • Click on ‘Swap Pools’
  • Choose one of the available pools. Make sure you have the correct token for the pool and click ‘Deposit’
  • Enter the amount you’d like to provide, and approve the transaction in your wallet.
  • Then, click ‘Deposit’ to complete the task.

Step 6. Add Liquidity to Backstop Pool

For this quest, you will be depositing into a backstop pool. Please note: backstop pools are not fully functional yet, to complete this quest you can only deposit into Mock BRL. This means you must swap for Mock BRL to complete this quest.

  • Go to testnet Backstop Pool
  • Click on ‘Add Liquidity’
  • Input the amount of Mock BRL you’d like to add.
  • Click ‘Deposit’, then your wallet will open and you have to click ‘Approve’ in your wallet.

Step 7. Feedback

  • Please share your experience to help us improve the Forex AMM and get rewarded! Your feedback is invaluable to us. Tell us what you think for your chance to win $100 worth of PEN.

Your Next Steps in Decentralized Forex

If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out to us in our Telegram or Discord channels.

Thank you for participating in our Forex AMM Testnet campaign! Your feedback and participation are invaluable as we build the future of finance together.

About Pendulum

Building the missing link between fiat and DeFi through a fiat-optimized smart contract blockchain based on Polkadot’s Substrate. Allowing traditional finance fiat services to integrate with DeFi applications such as specialized Forex AMMs, lending protocols, or yield farming opportunities. Developed by SatoshiPay.

Keep your eyes on the Pendulum!

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Traditional finance infrastructure blockchain. The missing link between fiat and DeFi. Limitless fiat. Decentralized future.