POCO Minting Details Announcement

2 min readDec 5, 2022


Hello PEN Clubbers!

Before the official launch of POCO, the first edition of PENFT, we’d love to share the mint schedule and details.

⚠️As minting volume and related schedules can be adjusted and subject to change, we will announce to the community if any changes are made.

Minting Volume

A total of 1,000 POCOs will be issued. Specifics are as follows:

1. Premint (300 NFTs): Premint will be given as a reward for future events and will be allowed by Team Protocon.

2. Whitelist (500 NFTs): Various whitelist events were held through Twitter, Telegram, YouTube, and more. Those with a whitelist will be able to mint earlier and faster than anyone else.

3. Public Mint (200 NFTs): Public Mint or “General Mint” is a first-come, first-served basis. Anyone can mint a cute POCO NFT for free by paying a small fee. Minting Legendary-grade NFTs will give one better benefit as well! We wish you the best of luck when minting!

Minting Schedule

The following is POCO NFT’s minting schedule.

POCO NFT mint will be done in two phases, the First Mint and Second Mint.

· First Mint

Target: Whitelist

Date: 02:00AM UTC, October 26, 2022

· Second Mint

Target: Public

Date: 02:00AM UTC, October 27, 2022

Minting Procedure

1. Access PENFT’s website through penft.io

2. Click on ‘Connect Wallet’ on the top right to connect your wallet (guide link)

3. Click on the minting button (activated at the end of the countdown)

4. One per wallet is allowed

5. Pay KCS gas fees through MetaMask

6. Check your newly minted POCO NFT in MetaMask’s (NFT Tab)

We’ve learned about POCO NFT’s mint schedule and general information. Minting day is right around the corner! Depending on the rarity of the NFT, various benefits such as event participation and membership rights will be provided. We look forward to seeing you all soon!

Thank you!


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