Research Brief & Plan of Cuuveed’s Data Entry Form 👨‍💻

Rizki Mardita
Published in
3 min readMar 5, 2019
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Cuuveed is a tool that helps people to build their creative CV online. A lot of templates we can use. Select the template we want, change the color, design and then we can print or share our CV. This tool is totally free.

Background as a cv builder platform wants to make a better experience for users when they fill & complete their data.

Business Objectives

  • Show a list of candidates with data that has been completed 100%
  • Show reliable data which help Job seekers have a reliable CV and help employers to find the best candidates.

Research Objectives

We will gather baseline data about the effectiveness & efficiency of The objectives of the study are to:

  • Identify pain points/obstacles in the Cuuveed process for Creating CV/completing the data on the cuuveed site
  • Identify the user’s behavior & Experience when they create a CV on the cuuveed site
  • Assess the effectiveness & efficiency of users in performing the tasks on the cuuveed site

Research Questions

In addition, in this study we will try to answer these questions:

  • What obstacles do users encounter on the way to completing the data?
  • How easily and successfully do users completing the data for the CV?
  • How quickly can users perform the task of filling in data?
  • How do users feel about how long it takes them to complete the data?

Participant characteristics/Criteria

Participant Characteristics

Method (Test Design)

This usability testing will gather assessment data about the effectiveness & efficiency of the new cuuveed’s data entry form.

Method → Testing Multiple User Groups

Participants will be separated into 3 different user groups and we will use Testing Multiple User Groups. We will conduct 45 minutes of usability study sessions. Each participant will work through one task (Complete & submit the required CV data form). We will have 5 minutes to explain the session to the participant.

Session outline and timing

The test sessions will be 45 minutes long.

  1. Introduction to the session (2 minutes)
  2. Background interview (3 minutes)
  3. Tasks (30 minutes)
  4. Post-test debriefing (10 minutes)

Research Tool

Prototype on Marvelapp


Task List

Post-test debriefing

Questions are asked after the task is completed:

Question List

What’s Next?

Analyze Data and Observations 👨‍💻

