An open letter to 45

melissa ledger
Published in
2 min readFeb 12, 2017

Dear President 45

We are tired of your ego. We are tired of your lies. We may have accepted that you were elected but we’re not going to stand idly by while you use your position to cater to your ego, your friends and your wallet. You can say you’ve divorced yourself from your businesses as has your family but your actions make it clear you plan to pick up where you left off and you’re using your position to do everything except what you promised.

It’s no secret that I did not support you and that I did not vote for you. It’s no secret that I had problems with your platform and your past and your temper. As much as I hate the fact that you won, I do accept it… but I do not accept your words or actions since you’ve been in office any more than I accepted them during your campaign.

There is one thing you promised that I could get on board with if you’d do it — you promised to protect the american people. You have not made a single decision that even remotely hints that this is in your plans. I have watched you try to sign away healthcare, try to sign away families, try to tweet away discontent. I’m not the only one.

I’ve watched you try to discredit companies and news sources but what I think you fail to realize is that you have lied to us so often and so obviously (as in: easily fact checked), that your credibility is so far below anyone’s that you’re trying to attack that you’re making our country look even worse in the eyes of those around the globe.

You’ll never see this. It probably won’t go beyond my facebook page — but I needed to say it because like you, I care what people around me think… Unlike you, I hear them out, listen to facts and reform my opinions based on information provided, not based on the information I like best.

You are the President of the United States. Not a monarch, not a prom king. Start acting like it, 45. We need a leader, not a child throwing a temper tantrum.

~Sincerely, a snowflake in the avalanche

(I posted this yesterday on facebook, but many seem to appreciate it so I thought this may be a decent platform to continue to share the idea. Credit is not important to me, being able to say what others may feel is. )

