An Open Letter to Donald Trump from A Teacher

Christy P. Novack
Published in
3 min readNov 11, 2016
via The Greenling Institute

Dear Mr. Trump,

The reason for this letter is to address the reality some of your words during the campaign have had on America. Words are powerful, especially from someone who has a large media platform and an ear to millions of people. As the adage goes, “With great power comes great responsibility.”

Now that you are the elected leader of the free world, the onus is on you to communicate to the public that these blooming pre and post-election acts of hate, bigotry and outright criminal violence is not acceptable. Did you know there are people literally using your name as an excuse for this behavior? In case you are not aware of these acts, here’s just a small sample from Twitter. Google “Hate crimes and election” for others.

Did you create these racists and misogynistic population? No, but through your actions, you have given them permission to feel like it is ok to actively harass people of different cultures, women and people within the LGBT community.

What truly upsets me however, is the effect some of your actions have had on children in America. As a public educator, nothing disturbs me more than to hear and see rising hate speech and acts in schools and classrooms. Did you know there is a term for it? It’s called the Trump Effect. There are children, especially children of color, that are scared to go to school. Some of your derogatory comments on race have started to infiltrate the minds of our bright and hopeful future, affecting the hearts and spirit of our most vulnerable group. Children are like sponges. They absorb the world around them. They slowly develop and wrestle with understanding what is considered right and wrong. Is this what you think is acceptable as the vision for our future, as a way of moving our country forward as a united people?

If you sincerely care about the country you actively chose to lead for the next four years, you would address this serious topic now. Not within your first 100 days. Not on January 20th. Now. Address the nation and explain that some of your comments over the past years were not appropriate. An apology could be a fantastic start. It won’t resolve everything, but it’s something. Explain to the people that we don’t live in medieval times where raping and pillaging is acceptable behavior and that verbally and physically abusing those who look different is abhorrent and not OK. Tell the children of America they are all welcome to safely live and learn in our diverse nation, that we value and respect individuality.

There are Americans across the country coming together to offset this social blight that is a result of caustic comments you have said like casual, offhanded remarks at a small dinner party. Teachers are on the front lines working to address social-emotional needs and to teach tolerance to their students. Now it’s your turn. Leaders lead by example. America needs to hear this from you, Mr. Trump. You wanted the world to acknowledge you and your platform. You have our attention. What are you going to do?


Christy P. Novack, concerned citizen



Christy P. Novack
Writer for

Public educator, educational technology specialist, musician.