George N Romey
Published in
2 min readJan 16, 2017


An Open Letter to President Elect Trump

Dear President Elect Trump,

In a few days you will assume the Office of the President of the United States. Many thought you never would or could do it, but you did. Some were your faithful followers, some choose you out of desperation and yet others either voted for one of your opponents or didn’t vote at all. In the end, you are the chosen and people that cannot accept that fact are wasting their time and energy.

Like Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and FDR you come into office at a tumultuous and difficult time. The kind of period when the future of the United States is in serious doubt and jeopardy. Like these gentlemen you will find yourself in the middle of a near impossible job that often has few positives. You will be criticized at every turn, put under the microscope in an extreme way and usually given conflicting information and solutions. In short, most of your days will be filled with controlled and at times uncontrolled and unexpected chaos.

None of us, supporters and foes alike really know what is in your heart. We all must cling to hope that you really want to and intend to “make America great again.” For if you fail we as a country might follow the road to ruin as the Roman and British Empire did.

If you feel conflicted or confused I suggest you get out of Washington DC. Go across the country and speak with Americans from all walks of life. For in us you will find the answers and solutions you seek. We’ve have some really good advice for you.

The entire world is watching to see if the United States can remain the lead nation for freedom around the world. Its all on your shoulders as well as 435 Congressmen and 100 Senators. Can and will you live up the challenge that Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and FDR faced? They got us through to the other side. Will you?



George N Romey
Writer for

George Is a writer that focuses on how the never ending economic downturn is destroying the human spirit. He hopes for a better day for the fading middle class.